13862 |
Matt Veal 2018 address to shareholders. Keep the (1) |
Goodspeed65 |
01/01/2018 2:53:27 PM |
13987 |
Hangover Joe's Supplemental address to |
Goodspeed65 |
01/03/2018 5:05:21 PM |
15018 |
Joe may be down and out at the moment, but I have |
Goodspeed65 |
03/01/2019 7:36:17 PM |
13074 |
Lol no. |
X10 |
08/28/2017 6:45:40 PM |
13073 |
Were you Henry? :) (1) |
Steven1973 |
08/28/2017 5:59:46 PM |
13072 |
https://twitter.com/thehangovershot/status/902253 (1) |
X10 |
08/28/2017 5:52:58 PM |
13071 |
No info other than what has been publicly |
thesmallsV2 |
08/28/2017 9:41:49 AM |
13070 |
Anyone have any info on the |
P.Vito |
08/28/2017 9:39:44 AM |
13068 |
It's been 90 days since responses to the Default |
P.Vito |
08/25/2017 11:16:34 AM |
13067 |
It looks like I caught him in another lie. (5) |
casey7883 |
08/25/2017 3:29:47 AM |
13066 |
Should be shareholders anonymous - oh wait that's (3) |
inv2012 |
08/24/2017 5:13:35 PM |
13065 |
Ya that Memphis BBQ is excellent, my |
Coujoe62 |
08/23/2017 8:45:01 PM |
13063 |
Very quiet on twitter of late......waiting for (1) |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/23/2017 1:20:05 PM |
13062 |
The Hangover Recovery Shot is about to start a (3) |
casey7883 |
08/22/2017 12:39:27 PM |
13061 |
Crossing my fingers it doesn't take that long but (1) |
Steven1973 |
08/22/2017 11:12:27 AM |
13060 |
Thanks, great info. |
247stat |
08/22/2017 7:50:51 AM |
13059 |
I'm thinking July 2018 hjoe will be in good |
chag |
08/22/2017 7:04:31 AM |
13058 |
Your last 3 sentences are spot on and sum things |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/21/2017 4:06:41 PM |
13057 |
To really understand the problems with toxic (8) |
thesmallsV2 |
08/21/2017 3:51:38 PM |
13056 |
Thanks for the info and insight. |
247stat |
08/21/2017 3:20:03 AM |
13055 |
HJOE (2) |
casey7883 |
08/20/2017 12:44:40 PM |
13054 |
This is the correct answer, imho, There is a ton (4) |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/20/2017 12:37:42 PM |
13053 |
Many of the toxic lenders short the stock of the (4) |
casey7883 |
08/20/2017 12:18:24 PM |
13052 |
I'm in agreement with that chag, and I don't |
Goodspeed65 |
08/20/2017 12:07:58 PM |
13051 |
stat, lots of variables in play here. All of the |
Goodspeed65 |
08/20/2017 12:03:21 PM |
13050 |
Steven, you may start getting pissed by mid 2018, (2) |
Goodspeed65 |
08/20/2017 11:58:07 AM |
13049 |
We all should know this talk by hjoe and others |
chag |
08/20/2017 7:32:46 AM |
13048 |
Okay, thanks. |
247stat |
08/20/2017 1:50:10 AM |
13047 |
Okay, using revenue to build the business, that (2) |
247stat |
08/20/2017 1:49:29 AM |
13046 |
My last responce to this. But again, delaying (6) |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/19/2017 11:43:23 PM |
13045 |
That's because no one knows. It's giving them a (2) |
BlackSheep |
08/19/2017 11:31:52 PM |
13044 |
Okay, I found the post (it's 13002). But again, (4) |
247stat |
08/19/2017 9:31:02 PM |
13043 |
1302? I think there's a number missing. Thus why |
247stat |
08/19/2017 9:03:53 PM |
13042 |
This is a fair criticism. Obviously, the company (9) |
Steven1973 |
08/19/2017 5:42:59 PM |
13041 |
See post 1302/Sexton... Explains the situation (3) |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/19/2017 10:13:32 AM |
13040 |
So, with so many great things happening, HJOE (3) |
247stat |
08/19/2017 7:58:50 AM |
13039 |
Your absolutely correct. |
X10 |
08/19/2017 3:09:02 AM |
13038 |
ThesmallsV2, always appreciate your in depth (7) |
HangoverJoes-Boise |
08/18/2017 5:12:03 PM |
13037 |
This would be like HJOE running ads on one of the (2) |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/18/2017 1:27:52 PM |
13036 |
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_Broadcasti (1) |
casey7883 |
08/18/2017 1:16:56 PM |
13034 |
The encouraging part, right now, for us.. is they (3) |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/18/2017 12:09:27 PM |
13033 |
I did just that, no way I was going to let them |
BlackSheep |
08/18/2017 12:07:00 PM |
13032 |
Yup. So much we don't know and cannot predict. (3) |
Goodspeed65 |
08/18/2017 11:41:31 AM |
13031 |
Radio Ads now! C.K. is everywhere. Seems they (3) |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/18/2017 10:58:15 AM |
13030 |
My uneducated view and suggestions: 1. I would |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/18/2017 10:49:47 AM |
13029 |
CureKorea has ads running for Hangover Shot! KBS (5) |
casey7883 |
08/18/2017 10:44:55 AM |
13028 |
Question for the group, USAA is the single worst |
BlackSheep |
08/18/2017 9:20:00 AM |
13027 |
Hey GS, I think the C.K. advertising/ news fits (6) |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/17/2017 12:03:06 PM |
13026 |
Send 'em the Jerky too, they will have no idea (1) |
IKnowNothing |
08/17/2017 12:15:15 AM |
13025 |
Our distributor #CureKorea keeps taking the (4) |
casey7883 |
08/16/2017 2:03:27 PM |
13024 |
Huge! Huge! development from C.K. they are (8) |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/16/2017 1:02:06 PM |
13023 |
Hangover Joe's 3m Great news from #CureKorea (8) |
casey7883 |
08/16/2017 12:13:28 PM |
13022 |
You should be on the dart board and around the |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/15/2017 8:34:23 AM |