GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Here is the problem to your post: W (3) | 12/28/2021 11:01:05 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | This is getting like a soap opera a (3) | 12/28/2021 12:47:08 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | So then, what happens now? With eve (1) | 12/27/2021 11:26:33 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | I am sorry, you don't keep bashing (1) | 12/27/2021 8:39:42 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | I have a problem with someone (not (2) | 12/27/2021 5:14:37 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | People can't really make anymore de (2) | 12/27/2021 4:08:49 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | We keep on dropping in PPS like a r (1) | 12/27/2021 1:46:05 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | I’m not the one making any accusa | 12/24/2021 6:54:17 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | I’m realistic. If it fails it fai (1) | 12/24/2021 11:28:46 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | I’ll say this and then end it. Yo (3) | 12/24/2021 10:46:36 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Actually yes, who is your source? Y | 12/24/2021 10:40:43 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | I am really hard on Joe as anyone e (1) | 12/23/2021 3:56:13 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | I am curious why there was a NT 10K (2) | 12/23/2021 3:04:24 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (1) | 12/23/2021 11:39:26 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Please provide where you say 'most' | 12/23/2021 11:24:21 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Say what you want, but whatever Joe (2) | 12/22/2021 5:11:08 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | One thing for sure, any way you loo (1) | 12/22/2021 2:34:11 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Right now, .30 looks good compared (2) | 12/22/2021 1:43:47 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | If Nugenerex sold for 9.50 a share (1) | 12/22/2021 1:41:26 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | I would say this. Until we see some (2) | 12/22/2021 12:13:57 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | any idea when they won't be delinqu (1) | 12/22/2021 11:07:17 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | So, let's all be honest here. Is it (3) | 12/22/2021 9:03:43 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | All my post are opinions except whe (1) | 12/21/2021 6:39:58 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Doc, my question is how can they no | 12/21/2021 6:15:10 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | once again, we finish down....... | 12/21/2021 4:01:22 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | That makes it even worse because th (1) | 12/21/2021 3:57:33 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | I am not anti Joe, contrary to beli (2) | 12/21/2021 3:23:23 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Why haven't they even filed a NT 10 (2) | 12/21/2021 1:24:14 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Thanks Hoops. I am just so tired of (2) | 12/21/2021 12:26:45 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Here is my question and maybe I jus (2) | 12/21/2021 12:08:02 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Isn't interesting that CYDY can get | 12/21/2021 10:21:00 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Let's see if the Generex / NGIO boa (2) | 12/20/2021 7:46:27 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Here is what really bothers me the (2) | 12/20/2021 5:11:29 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Please be honest with me and this i (1) | 12/20/2021 2:18:44 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | No offense, but didn't we pretty mu (2) | 12/20/2021 2:09:30 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | The problem though is Joe is not pu (1) | 12/20/2021 1:21:55 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | This is all on Joe's watch. As CEO, (2) | 12/20/2021 12:12:04 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | .08 PPS and 118K volume and still n | 12/20/2021 10:26:26 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | I am truly amazed how no one in Mag (1) | 12/18/2021 11:39:09 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | A Taylor Swift album party in Sydne (1) | 12/17/2021 8:59:40 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | They still have products. The probl (2) | 12/17/2021 12:47:12 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | The lack of information from Manage (2) | 12/17/2021 10:10:09 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Joe, I hope you are reading this. I (6) | 12/16/2021 4:17:47 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | I really miss that fat fingered guy (1) | 12/16/2021 1:55:00 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | There seems to be a lot of speculat | 12/16/2021 12:46:31 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Generex / NGIO needs some kind of d (1) | 12/15/2021 3:35:48 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Here is my question. Excellegan is (1) | 12/15/2021 10:48:20 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Here what is lousy, this was a 3.28 (2) | 12/15/2021 9:53:24 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Well, shares are being traded, If t | 12/14/2021 9:07:54 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | That's a big elephant in the room.. (1) | 12/14/2021 11:42:54 AM |