13987 |
Hangover Joe's Supplemental address to |
Goodspeed65 |
01/03/2018 5:05:21 PM |
13806 |
750-900 million float wouldnt be a low float (4) |
Goodspeed65 |
12/29/2017 9:07:59 PM |
13805 |
Everyone who shorted this stock will know they (3) |
casey7883 |
12/29/2017 8:34:23 PM |
13804 |
well...theyre gonna want to make an impact and (1) |
12/29/2017 8:16:06 PM |
13803 |
Yes , we are in agreement Steven, if that takes |
Thundersteel_03 |
12/29/2017 7:28:02 PM |
13802 |
Thats right about what i'm thinking...hopefully 3 (1) |
Steven1973 |
12/29/2017 7:14:27 PM |
13801 |
Again, as per my last post Great Job MGT! Go Joe! |
Thundersteel_03 |
12/29/2017 7:13:04 PM |
13800 |
My guess is..... With the couple days sale at (3) |
Thundersteel_03 |
12/29/2017 7:11:48 PM |
13799 |
If we got under a 1B, I would crap my pants. I |
Steven1973 |
12/29/2017 7:10:12 PM |
13798 |
"float will reduce in by over a Billion as we (2) |
12/29/2017 7:08:30 PM |
13797 |
I think there was 5 billion authorized but I'm |
Steven1973 |
12/29/2017 7:01:58 PM |
13796 |
Wow...float being reduced by almost a billion. I |
Steven1973 |
12/29/2017 6:59:41 PM |
13795 |
Just a guess but I thinks its around 1.7 to |
X10 |
12/29/2017 6:01:55 PM |
13794 |
Looking forward to the information and |
X10 |
12/29/2017 5:52:43 PM |
13793 |
what a freakin treat thats gonna be....I almost (2) |
12/29/2017 5:36:33 PM |
13792 |
O.....M......G!!! now the question is how big IS |
12/29/2017 5:34:04 PM |
13791 |
Replying to @grady_kimball and @Businessop (6) |
casey7883 |
12/29/2017 5:24:54 PM |
13790 |
This says it all and our attitude at (7) |
casey7883 |
12/29/2017 5:08:10 PM |
13789 |
FB has 2.38 B shares and trying to do a 3 for 1 |
jas123 |
12/29/2017 9:09:17 AM |
13788 |
yes 60 days after form 10 filed. I'm sure they |
12/29/2017 8:35:16 AM |
13787 |
I found an old post on the FTNW board that (1) |
casey7883 |
12/29/2017 8:13:13 AM |
13786 |
very well done!! that being said if they decide (1) |
12/29/2017 7:10:00 AM |
13785 |
I think once HJOE files their new registration (2) |
casey7883 |
12/29/2017 1:59:35 AM |
13784 |
I was just thinking that perhaps there are those |
Rio92 |
12/28/2017 11:38:18 PM |
13783 |
that's a very good question and an interesting |
12/28/2017 8:25:45 PM |
13782 |
if HJOEs financials grow as expected why wouldn't |
jas123 |
12/28/2017 7:28:31 PM |
13781 |
Im definitely taking the day off and getting (1) |
Steven1973 |
12/28/2017 6:26:02 PM |
13780 |
Would we as lowly investors get a heads up as to |
Rio92 |
12/28/2017 5:36:48 PM |
13779 |
Bump, the company has.... various share (2) |
Thundersteel_03 |
12/28/2017 3:13:36 PM |
13778 |
I think even before an RS will be considered (1) |
12/28/2017 2:51:44 PM |
13777 |
I agree Thunder. Your suggestion seems like a |
Steven1973 |
12/28/2017 1:49:37 PM |
13776 |
and.........IF the company really wants to (6) |
Thundersteel_03 |
12/27/2017 4:35:07 PM |
13775 |
I will wait patiently for their return!! There is (6) |
12/27/2017 3:53:51 PM |
13774 |
We are getting ready for the #NewYears (3) |
casey7883 |
12/27/2017 2:10:35 PM |
13773 |
I think it will be the last day of this (1) |
Thundersteel_03 |
12/27/2017 1:34:30 PM |
13772 |
Hopefully Veal will drop the state of the union |
Steven1973 |
12/27/2017 12:54:26 PM |
13770 |
https://youtu.be/tekN9NtGXOc |
casey7883 |
12/25/2017 5:29:37 PM |
13769 |
And a happy New Year. (2) |
casey7883 |
12/25/2017 4:05:28 PM |
13766 |
Merry Christmas Everyone (3) |
Coujoe62 |
12/25/2017 9:08:02 AM |
13765 |
Hopefully all of our big questions will be (1) |
X10 |
12/24/2017 2:53:16 PM |
13764 |
Are the dealers from the SMS era still in |
jstay52 |
12/24/2017 9:47:16 AM |
13763 |
I agree with you...to add to that, I want to hear (2) |
Thundersteel_03 |
12/22/2017 11:17:35 AM |
13762 |
All great points Thunder. I also want to hear (2) |
Steven1973 |
12/22/2017 11:07:31 AM |
13761 |
I'm looking forward and hope it is mentioned in (6) |
Thundersteel_03 |
12/22/2017 10:53:05 AM |
13760 |
oh look what the cat dragged |
12/21/2017 9:56:41 PM |
13758 |
wow...that's very impressive.. |
12/21/2017 6:18:05 PM |
13757 |
What it doesn't say in that tweet. Is the jerky (1) |
casey7883 |
12/21/2017 5:50:35 PM |