TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Ditto | 04/16/2017 1:22:07 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Anvil Saturday, 04/15/17 06:53:24 P | 04/15/2017 7:52:35 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | That's why Lie HUb gets about 100 v | 04/15/2017 6:35:05 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Yep. he knows very little about Tre | 04/15/2017 6:33:18 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Buying from existing bagholders ins | 04/15/2017 6:25:51 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | And more from the POS board. This I | 04/15/2017 6:20:14 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | And the story just keeps getting be | 04/15/2017 6:15:44 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | More proof of TD going after strugg | 04/15/2017 2:17:53 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | She can't even post more tha na one | 04/15/2017 1:49:28 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Here is another Bold Flat Out Lie f | 04/15/2017 1:39:09 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Thanks ... So investors know I am s | 04/15/2017 1:17:38 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Henry Klein is trying. He served th | 04/15/2017 11:57:03 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Lying TD " Tiny Dancer" spews garba | 04/15/2017 11:50:52 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Thanks. I know some here do not app | 04/15/2017 11:22:13 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Clown Dumbass TDButtwiper is gettin | 04/14/2017 8:12:18 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I agree 100 % but would have left i | 04/14/2017 8:04:22 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | What got canceled yesterday was Clo | 04/14/2017 7:59:32 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I think prior to the judge throwing | 04/14/2017 6:52:07 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | And all of hte lawsuits were direct | 04/14/2017 6:46:32 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Any one who would suggest sharehold | 04/14/2017 3:29:47 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | You are correct. The SEC wants to s | 04/14/2017 3:11:46 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | His handlers " The Hedge Funds " al | 04/14/2017 2:45:40 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Stool Pigeon ... lol A came up Brai | 04/14/2017 12:57:50 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I still do not understand why Clown | 04/14/2017 11:04:39 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Their case is losing steam daily an (1) | 04/14/2017 10:49:28 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I love posting on LIE HUB to to get | 04/13/2017 11:45:25 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | tdbowieknife Thursday, 04/13/17 06: | 04/13/2017 6:38:47 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | So I guess you are not their bigges | 04/13/2017 5:18:17 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | The SEC suspends stocks to warn inv | 04/13/2017 1:20:23 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I know of two others that have done | 04/13/2017 1:09:39 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Well said. I too believe the curren | 04/13/2017 12:34:09 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | The BOD still needs to smooth out s | 04/13/2017 12:30:36 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | absolutely correct. the current cre | 04/12/2017 6:50:22 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I heard not all of hte shareholders | 04/12/2017 4:31:29 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Could be. Her resignation letter fr | 04/12/2017 12:03:48 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I was going to reply with te answer | 04/12/2017 12:01:17 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Great job SEC, TECO is cornered Thi | 04/12/2017 11:20:07 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | He won April 1st KING FOOL AWARD ha | 04/12/2017 11:12:45 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Looks like Russian has joined his p | 04/12/2017 10:27:44 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | That is true. Against is now sugges | 04/12/2017 10:21:05 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | tdbowieknife Tuesday, 04/11/17 08:3 | 04/12/2017 12:17:10 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Teco is looking really good. Clown | 04/12/2017 12:08:32 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | From what I know two of them have m | 04/11/2017 11:43:21 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Knowing who we possibly could merge | 04/11/2017 4:28:16 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | it is a great deal knowing the pote | 04/11/2017 4:24:11 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Another PM I got from Advil just so | 04/11/2017 2:42:03 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Frustrating to all I agree. Why CT | 04/11/2017 2:35:39 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I looked at the boards they ahve po | 04/11/2017 2:33:42 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Anvil just can't stop dreaming of T | 04/11/2017 11:44:57 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I've never met a beer I did not lik | 04/11/2017 12:40:44 AM |