NO you guys have it wrong, under the articles of the Corporation, the O/S is being lowered from the 2.5 billion, to 25 million, and the amount of shares is being split will reflect 500 to 1, the decrease of shares is not a split...the total A/S will become 25 million, "all" share holders, and board members will control about 5 million shares, the remaining 20 million shares will be used to attract new investors, institutional investors, and private equity firms which will all come in and purchase on the open market at market rate.
Remember Nunez increased the shares so there could never be a hostile take over of the corporation, and with all board buying all the shares, it allowed them to control voting, and remove any chance of a hostile take over of the company.
So as per Form 14, we will know what the A/s will be, there is no reverse split of a/s....ALSO, the board has the option not to do anything, but I believe there will follow through, because it's the only way to bring the price per share high enough to attract new investing dollars, also don't think once your on the NASDAQ your done, that's when the real work begins, because now you have to build the company and maintain that min share price of either 1.00, 2.00 or 3.00 dollars what ever it will be, if you fall under that price you run the risk of becoming delisted, and going back to the OTC the history of SIRI radio, there went through a similar situation and where facing delisting if they couldn't get the price over a 1.00 and keep it there, well its all history because SIRI trades over 3.00 a share.....its like getting to the Major Leagues in Baseball, if you don't preform you can get sent back down to the minor leagues, well rules are like that on the NASDAQ,and the NYSE as well..
Hope that helps a little....