47800 = 7k/15k/19992/5808
i expect to update this re: time stamps within a few days
always interesting to see what trades get marked and or *borrowed*
and to be fair .. i missed *live* the last 6 PTOI *trades* today .. fortunately
another was able to observe .. and pointed out the *utilization* of the 5808
(that had been showing on ask @ 0375 and then went *poof* for the presumed
balance of the UC ask @ 0349)
5 hidden trades = 17816
17816 / 72928 = 24.42%
trades .. and i do use that word rather loosely .. i see 3 sets of 20k (combos) in play for 60k
which was one of two *volume* signals noted this morning after the 1500 went off .. forget the 1k MIA
most likely used to close PTOI *down* today
So is the 15 for 60k or 150k (volume)
20k = 7k/7192/5805
20k = 1k/4k/15k
20k = 19992/8
NR = Just A Few Probs
15:41:02 0.03255 1000 OTO .. hidden (B/0301/232200 .. A/035/12308)
15:11:19 0.035 7192 OTO .. @ NN's ask 19500 adjusts to 12308
15:11:15 0.0349 5808 OTO .. hidden (balance of 40800 @ UC ask) (B/03/25000 .. A/035/19500) .. marked ****
14:42:11 0.035 11428 OTO .. fed to ETRF's *ask* ***
14:42:11 i 0.032 8 OTO .. hidden .. seriously .. note 8 + 2 = 10
14:42:11 0.0349 19992 OTO .. @ UC ask .. 25800 - 19992 = 5808 *** .. relo/s ask to 035 .. marked
12:04:08 0.03245 4000 OTO .. hidden
10:53:09 0.0349 15000 OTO .. @ UC ask .. 40800 adjusts to 25800 .. marked
09:30:06 0.03495 7000 OTO .. hidden (B/0289/223000 .. A/035/19500) .. marked
09:30:01 0.035 1500 OTO .. @ ask .. NC on 10000 size (NN would adjust 20k to 19500 so 1k MIA till EOD)
T&S Codes:
a = acquisition
b = bunched trade - average price
c = cash trade
d = distribution
e = automatic execution
g = bunched sold trade - opening/reopening trade detail
h = intraday trade detail
i = basket index on close transaction
j = rule 127 trade
k = rule 155 trade
l = sold last
n = next day
o = opened
p = prior reference price
r = seller
s = split trade
t = form t trade - pre/post market trade
u = extended hours trade - reported late or out of sequence
w = average price trade
y = yellow flagged regular trade
z = sold - out of sequence
Detailed Quote: PTOI
0.03255Down -0.00235 (-6.73 %)AS OF 3:41:02PM ET 10/28/2019
Last Trade 0.03255
Trade Time 3:41:02pm ET
Change -0.00235
% Change -6.73%
Bid 0.0301
Bid Size 232200
Ask 0.035
Ask Size 12308
Open 0.035
Day High 0.035
Day Low 0.03245
Previous Close
10/25/2019 0.0349
52-Week High
01/29/2019 0.08
52-Week Low
11/16/2018 0.008
Price Performance (Last 52 Weeks)
10/25/2019 +100.57%
Volume 72,928
Volume (10 day Average) 148,487
Volume (90 day Average) 49,599
Market Capitalization $4.35M
Shares Outstanding 124,756,000
B/A .. volume 72928 .. note CDEL's 10k size @ ask (0375)
CDEL 0.0301 232,200 15:17
NITE 0.0288 10,000 10/25
GTSM 0.0277 10,000 10/23
CSTI 0.021 50,000 10:53
ETRF 0.02 90,000 15:17
MAXM 0.0001 10,000 07:35
OTCX U 0 07:45
NITE 0.035 12,308 15:11
CDEL 0.0375 10,000 15:17
GTSM 0.039 10,000 10/22
CSTI 0.039 10,000 14:42
ETRF 0.08 50,000 14:42
MAXM 200.00 1 07:35
OTCX U 0 07:45
B/A .. volume 58928 .. note CDEL's ask @ 0375 (5808/10k = 15808)
CDEL 0.03 25,000 14:42
ETRF 0.0289 223,000 14:42
NITE 0.0288 10,000 10/25
GTSM 0.0277 10,000 10/23
CSTI 0.021 50,000 10:53
MAXM 0.0001 10,000 07:35
OTCX U 0 07:45
NITE 0.035 19,500 09:30
CDEL 0.0375 15,808 14:42 **** 15:11:15
GTSM 0.039 10,000 10/22
CSTI 0.039 10,000 14:42
ETRF 0.08 50,000 14:42
MAXM 200.00 1 07:35
OTCX U 0 07:45
B/A .. volume 27500 (approx 12:50PM)
CDEL 0.03 25,000 11:17
ETRF 0.0289 223,000 09:45
NITE 0.0288 10,000 10/25
GTSM 0.0277 10,000 10/23
CSTI 0.021 50,000 10:53
MAXM 0.0001 10,000 07:35
OTCX U 0 07:45
CDEL 0.0349 25,800 11:17
NITE 0.035 19,500 09:30
ETRF 0.035 11,428 12:29 *** 14:42:11
GTSM 0.039 10,000 10/22
CSTI 0.039 10,000 09:30
MAXM 200.00 1 07:35
OTCX U 0 07:45
B/A .. volume 8500
ETRF 0.0289 223,000 09:30
NITE 0.0288 10,000 10/25
GTSM 0.0277 10,000 10/23
CDEL 0.022 34,200 09:30
CSTI 0.021 50,000 09:30
MAXM 0.0001 10,000 07:35
OTCX U 0 07:45
CDEL 0.0349 40,800 09:30
NITE 0.035 19,500 09:30 ** see below
GTSM 0.039 10,000 10/22
CSTI 0.039 10,000 09:30
ETRF 0.08 50,000 09:30
MAXM 200.00 1 07:35
OTCX U 0 07:45
** NN had been 20k @ EOD on Friday on ask @ 035
NITE 0.035 20,000 09:30
will update in due course ..