84457 |
It's time this board gets back on topic which is (37) |
IH Admin |
10/20/2017 6:06:58 PM |
91008 |
Bashers/ shorts are really trying hard to lower (3) |
Felix |
07/05/2018 2:21:01 PM |
92054 |
Everything is in order as I typed this as the (17) |
aaweibe |
11/29/2018 4:51:23 PM |
66318 |
Just Yesterday, Mitch Lowe was speaking in Costa (4) |
lajet |
09/06/2016 9:46:57 PM |
66317 |
The GREAT Mitch Lowe ... Me likey this (6) |
lajet |
09/06/2016 9:45:06 PM |
66316 |
Bwaaahahaha ... the Outerwebz NOT EVEN in the Top (4) |
lajet |
09/06/2016 9:26:28 PM |
66315 |
SP ... Quick check of the content currently (9) |
lajet |
09/06/2016 6:54:24 PM |
66314 |
I put this on two other heavily Traveled Boards: (4) |
goodbuddy4863 |
09/06/2016 6:51:51 PM |
66313 |
Bottom line we need a partner with $$$ because (4) |
Stratocaster |
09/06/2016 6:48:50 PM |
66312 |
UltraFlix added a new photo to the album: (1) |
lajet |
09/06/2016 6:13:24 PM |
66311 |
Too funny! The shorts are in trouble with NTEK (6) |
AlanC |
09/06/2016 5:56:55 PM |
66310 |
FINRA short sales of NTEK (3) |
AlanC |
09/06/2016 5:40:15 PM |
66309 |
So I have a question Last week we ended the week |
SilentPartner |
09/06/2016 5:39:04 PM |
66308 |
good volume all in the green...i will take that |
BigHank |
09/06/2016 5:08:50 PM |
66306 |
I'm not sure if anyone has posted this in the (4) |
Yeaweloveit |
09/06/2016 3:58:41 PM |
66305 |
CSS: VR and 4K to dominate at IBC September 6, (1) |
tinytoes51 |
09/06/2016 3:37:49 PM |
66304 |
For a Little guy that is! Bigger boys have the |
tinytoes51 |
09/06/2016 1:39:25 PM |
66303 |
Thats why Bugs and Issues "HAVE" to be sorted |
tinytoes51 |
09/06/2016 1:38:11 PM |
66302 |
This was a post by a guy, But so true......... (2) |
tinytoes51 |
09/06/2016 1:35:55 PM |
66301 |
Also Compatibility issues with existing platforms |
tinytoes51 |
09/06/2016 1:33:27 PM |
66300 |
I know it, and will be interesting how it stacks |
tinytoes51 |
09/06/2016 1:23:02 PM |
66299 |
Would like to see the pps closing high 6 to lower (4) |
ison929 |
09/06/2016 1:10:23 PM |
66298 |
Google is finalizing a VP10 free license code |
2015invest |
09/06/2016 1:09:43 PM |
66297 |
Opinion: Is A Codec War in Our Future? While the |
tinytoes51 |
09/06/2016 12:38:13 PM |
66296 |
Netflix Finds x265 20% More Efficient than VP9 |
tinytoes51 |
09/06/2016 12:31:02 PM |
66294 |
A lot of green today I don't think they can |
beaz750 |
09/06/2016 12:26:14 PM |
66293 |
No it is not a scam...and I beleive that this (7) |
SilentPartner |
09/06/2016 12:04:04 PM |
66292 |
It's crystal clear this is not a scam as (8) |
AlanC |
09/06/2016 11:52:07 AM |
66291 |
Shorts doing all they can to prevent NTEK from (3) |
AlanC |
09/06/2016 11:37:34 AM |
66290 |
I believe the volume is already almost double the |
intelligentPMC |
09/06/2016 10:52:14 AM |
66289 |
Because every brokerage allows us to buy in the |
intelligentPMC |
09/06/2016 10:47:23 AM |
66288 |
More MM smoke signals perhaps..... |
mikemc1001 |
09/06/2016 10:46:41 AM |
66287 |
.060184? Five decimal points? What kind of a (1) |
SickWatts |
09/06/2016 10:37:11 AM |
66286 |
Intel Pushes 4K Video With Latest Chip Line |
Mexico10 |
09/06/2016 10:20:01 AM |
66285 |
Bid & ask are tight. The minions on the phone |
Mexico10 |
09/06/2016 10:00:38 AM |
66284 |
Trend is looking positive IMO. (1) |
Mexico10 |
09/06/2016 9:54:51 AM |
66283 |
All I wanted was news and big buys :-) |
beaz750 |
09/06/2016 9:46:43 AM |
66282 |
Bid keeps building and were Green, I actually (1) |
Dakota111 |
09/06/2016 9:44:29 AM |
66281 |
I don't know about you but I was expecting a |
beaz750 |
09/06/2016 9:32:04 AM |
66280 |
Google is Rumored to Be Releasing a New (2) |
tinytoes51 |
09/06/2016 9:10:33 AM |
66279 |
I visit this board to read posters like LaJet (5) |
SilentPartner |
09/06/2016 8:51:58 AM |
66278 |
OK the coffee is on and I'm ready for a good (3) |
beaz750 |
09/06/2016 8:50:14 AM |
66276 |
There's only 7 companies listed here :) Internet (12) |
intelligentPMC |
09/06/2016 8:07:01 AM |
66275 |
Ultra HD Forum publishes latest guidelines |
tinytoes51 |
09/06/2016 8:03:32 AM |
66274 |
Vivendi reportedly putting Netflix rival project |
tinytoes51 |
09/06/2016 8:01:36 AM |
66273 |
On Amazon ... Sharp 50 Inch 4K Ultra HD Smart TV (6) |
lajet |
09/06/2016 1:20:16 AM |
66272 |
Duly Noted ! ... I've attended the last 2 NTEK (10) |
lajet |
09/05/2016 10:31:27 PM |
66271 |
Nothing confusion about your post and don't (2) |
Ndazone |
09/05/2016 9:40:16 PM |
66270 |
Buy002 sent me an im wants to truth me. |
wer123 |
09/05/2016 9:01:34 PM |
66269 |
Who's buy0002? I sent a PM to buy0001, not |
intelligentPMC |
09/05/2016 8:58:29 PM |