****MUST SEE****
From XLogiT3k and TreeMoney
Video of SalesGirl Demo-ing brand new ZJMY EV!!
Thanks to XLogit3k for posting to youtube and for TreeMoney for keeping it handy!
Also From XLoGit3k
VIDEO* Jinbo and ZhongJi MingYang Debut Tao Bo Zibo TV News Channel "Tonight 18
The WEEKLY WANG. Your guide to all the newest info uncovered regarding JBZY!!
Weekly Wang issue 1/7/18-1/14/18
Weekly Wang issue 1/15/18-1/21/2018
Business Description
JB&ZJMY focuses on the business of electrical cars and their support systems. Currently, the company plans to launch two type of cars to the market; the electrical car with max range of 330 Kms and an electrical SUV model with max range of 500 km. Both vehicles will support recharge models and battery swap/change technology.
Original JBZY Business plan before JBZY became JBZY:
The Vision:
Courtesy of Floridany:
This article was first published by HAN Jianfang on 2012-05-02. I will try to translate based on my understanding plus my two cents.
China's electric vehicle development has been highly valued by the governments at all levels, and consumed a lot of financial funds, made a series of research and development results, but the actual sales and demonstrative operation of the vehicles are very limited, far from the national planning objectives.
For China's electric vehicles, there are two sources of technology: First, is from large-scale auto companies similar in the Western countries; the second is from the relevant enterprises producing electric bicycles, agricultural vehicles, and modified car.
Therefore, in order to commercialize the electric vehicle, can not simply repeat the traditional model of development from the old car industry, but should create a new path for the development of electric vehicles. To achieve the development six changes are to be considered.
First, not to find a new battery, and not to allow the battery to be adapted to the vehicle, but use battery characteristics as the starting point, so that the vehicle can be adapted to the battery. Changing the battery maintenance-free concept, and introducing manual maintenance, is the short cut to EV commercialization.
Second, in order to perform manual maintenance, it is necessary to take a vehicle and battery separation technology approach, so that the battery in the electric vehicle, especially battery in the electric sedan can be quickly replaced, and maintained by the professional and technical personnel and companies, so as to ensure the battery life.
Third, by looking the overall situation of the electric vehicle, hatching and nurturing battery charging and replacement operators to perform battery full service, is more important than technological breakthrough.
Fourth, separation of vehicle and battery will cause the formation of a new business system. In this system, the car companies only sell bare vehicle without battery, only do what they do best, in order to quickly enter the mass market.
Fifth, the road to the EV commercialization is for EV to compete the cost of fuel cars, rather than the functionality, so the starting point is to take low-cost route.
Sixth, utilization of battery is the core of the integrated EV technology. Through the full service of battery business operators, all the problems plagued the EV commercialization can be solved: the bare car price and fuel car price are comparable, so that the average user can afford; battery replacement can be completed within 5 minutes, fast enough so that you will not feel difference than refuel the car at gas station; through the battery manual maintenance service, battery life can be up thousand times, the total cost for electricity will be 30% less than the cost for fuel; low-cost small recharge station, becomes more convenient than gas station. By doing this, all technical hurdles for the EV commercialization will be overcome.
(Authored by Han Jianfang, the Tsinghua University political economy research center electric vehicle project team leader, general manager at Henan Qianxi New Energy Technology Development Co, Ltd)
The Nine Plates approach
Jin Bo Has 9 Plates, This is just one of them
Wang DeQun, Wang Jinlai, is our Chairman
Click Here to Learn More About Wang DeQun

No.4 New Energy
To Make The Sky More Blue To The Earth More Green To Make The Air More Fresh
Jin bo Zhong Ji Ming Yang New Energy Co., Ltd. , Tsinghua University, experts and professors, after years of hard research, relying on people's wisdom, get rid of Western Technology Route, independent research and development of the "third generation of electric vehicles."
Our electric car through the independent research and development of the "motor, battery, electronic control and rapid replacement" four core technology, won the national patent more than ten patents. Successfully solved the constraints of the development of electric vehicle industry, mileage is short, charging speed is slow, the battery life is short, the battery cost is high, the battery fever is not safe five bottlenecks.
Our electric car battery life easily more than 500 km, fast replacement can be Completed in one and a half minute, the battery is committed to lifetime warranty.
The first appearance of the high-speed electric car (SUV) endurance of more than 500 km, 145 km / h, in many luxury cars are very bright, to attract media coverage.
Nasdaq Stock Code: JBMY
Jin Bo Zhongji Ming Yang New Energy to US Market Signing Ceremony!

JBZY Owned Patents:
Courtesy of Floridany
Here is a partial list of patents I found so far by inventor name search in State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) database and other resources. I don't intend to find all their patents, just want to prove that when they claim they have patents we can find some of them at least.
CN 201410350117
Business Related Filings/Web Listings:

OTC, SOS & SEC Filings related to JBZY:
10Q when JBZY was still DOLV:
Wyoming SOS filing Merging JB & ZJMY Co, Ltd. (China) into the holding company:

Company Website: http://zjmy888.com/
English version: http://zjmy888.com/index_en.html
Alternate Company Website (ZJMY China):
Some pics of our product for sale:


Video links of our cars and partnership products:

Information regarding our battery system:
Quick Swap Battery Technology Video: http://zjmy888.com/#page5
Courtesy of Floridany:
ZJMY's EV3.0 Integrated Technology System:
As the Jinbo CEO explained to me, ZJMY's technology is not just about battery, it is an assembly of patents, engineering and manufacturing processes, material science, know-hows, manufacturing machinery, of battery, motor, electric controls, whole vehicle assembly, and battery charging and swapping station.
The ZJMY's EV3.0 technology initiates from the concept that an electric vehicle design should start from battery, motor and electric controls and others should be designed around the characteristics of battery. This concept is contrary to the LEAF and Tesla model which starts from fuel vehicle and replacing fuel engine with battery so it inherits the "Hot Machine" concept.
The EV3.0 uses battery with low currency discharge which reduces battery temperature increase during work so than the vehicle can run as "Cold Machine" without using water cooling and fans. This in turn translates to long drive range, long battery shelf life and better safety.
Battery safety is big deal to ZJMY. According to the Jinbo CEO Mr. WANG Jinlai, Tesla battery is designed and manufactured in a way that if one single cell explodes the whole battery pack will explode violently, especially running under "Hot Machine" condition and driving for longtime. ZJMy's battery, on the contrary, designed in such fashion that single cells are embedded and solidified into a matrix so that even under induced explosion of single cell, the neighboring cells will not be impacted and will not cause cascading chain reactions. Even under extreme induced conditions, the explosion is retarded and delayed to allow driver and passenger have enough time to evacuate.
To have better understanding please read following summary of Professor HAN Jianfang's article on the EV3.0 "Cold Machine" technology system and its impact on long drive range. Please always check the original article for your reference: http://auto.ifeng.com/xinnengyuan/20170208/1081947.shtml
From Kenimous:
Electric vehicle business model in China and the policies to be adopted
Check out this Vid of our battery tech!
ZJMY has the resolve to the battery problem
Exploration on the innovation of electric vehicle business model and measures to be taken
The Development Research center of the State Council recently released the "China's electric vehicle business model innovation Exploration and should take the policy" (hereinafter referred to as "policy" , on China's electric vehicle business model of the significance, examples and obstacles, and so on, and put forward policy recommendations.
The full text of the policy is as follows:
Exploration on the innovation of electric vehicle business model in China and the policies to be adopted
As a new energy transportation vehicle, electric vehicle is a strategic emerging industry in our country, with the support of a series of national policies in recent years, China has made great progress in the development and production of electric vehicle, but it has a certain distance from the fully mature technology. At present, with no major technological breakthroughs in battery technology, exploring the innovation of business model is of great significance to realize the commercialization and scale development of electric vehicles.
The innovation of business model is an important way to solve the problem of electric vehicle industrialization
Business model innovation is as important as product innovation and service innovation, and integrates with technological innovation to promote each other. The innovation of business model helps to promote the commercialization and industrialization of electric vehicles.
1. Automotive power technology changes will lead to new business models
Electric cars differ greatly from traditional cars. First, the supply network is different: electricity and fuel are common forms of energy carriers in our lives, but electricity is more universal. In office buildings, residential buildings, shopping malls, open-air parks, power supplies are almost everywhere in life. And because of the widespread use in daily life, the use of electricity standards, safety norms are very mature, which makes electricity and fuel compared to the more dense network appearance in the whole city, even in the countryside.
Second, the energy supply time is different.
The fuel used by traditional automobiles is mainly petrol and diesel. This kind of petrochemical fuel exists in liquid mode at ambient temperature and pressure. Therefore, in the energy supply, it takes only about 4 or 5 minutes to fill the tank with a volume of around 60L and keep the supplied vehicle running for about 500 kilometres. Electric cars use energy for electricity. Under the existing technical conditions, a battery full of 16kw.h often takes 6-8 hours. Although there is now a fast charging technology, through special charger to improve the charging current, but because the rapid charge will have a serious irreversible effect on the battery, so fast charge does not become a widely used charging method. So if you use a normal charge for energy supply, then it takes 6-8 hours or more to do an energy supply, and it's only for the supplied vehicle to run around 150Km.
Three, the battery and the fuel tank accounted for a different proportion of the value. In traditional cars, the tank as a general fuel container, the price of about hundreds of yuan, just a $number million sedan 1% less than. In an electric car, if the battery is seen as a container for electrical energy, it will take up about 50% of the total value of the whole vehicle, including batteries.
These huge differences determine that electric cars must take different business models from traditional cars. If the value of the battery is greater and can be standardized, can be replaced, so can explore the way of vehicle separation, consumers can purchase a separate battery-free car, and then rental battery, which requires the battery must be technically to meet the requirements of frequent replacement, and not because the replacement of the battery to affect the performance of the vehicle; Because of the low cost of electric vehicles, renting electric vehicles is more competitive than renting traditional cars, and the model of electric vehicle leasing is likely to be a very important way to realize the industrialization of electric vehicles.
2. Business model innovation is an important way to solve the problem of electric vehicle industrialization
In order to alleviate the energy crisis and environmental pollution caused by automobiles, all countries are committed to develop and popularize pure electric vehicles. However, the industrialization and popularization of pure electric vehicle is more than that of traditional automobiles, such as high price, short mileage, slow driving speed, long charging time, incomplete charging facilities and waste battery management. The short mileage of electric vehicle is the most concerned performance problem. Conventional cars add a tank of oil to the 400-500km, while the average electric vehicle has only about 100km-150km after a single charge. The high price of power battery determines the characteristics of high cost of electric vehicles. Compared with conventional cars at the same level, electric cars are priced at about twice times the price of traditional cars. For example, Jianghuai Tong Yue, its traditional petrol car price is about 60,000 yuan, while the same Yue pure electric vehicle prices up to 150,000. Therefore, to follow the traditional business model of sales, electric cars are difficult to achieve market-oriented. The problems of long charging time and inconvenient charging are also obstacles to the marketization of electric vehicles. It takes about 6-8 hours to recharge a single charge, and if you use a fast charging method, it can cause irreversible adverse effects on the power battery itself. On the other hand, the lag of infrastructure construction and the irrationality of planning make the convenience of charging very important, which leads to the problem of "charging hard" again.
Although technical research is an effective means to solve the above three problems, it is difficult to achieve a huge technological breakthrough in the short term. So we must work on business model innovation. Unlike traditional car business models, new business models will likely include new elements such as car rentals, battery replacements, etc. These elements will help the electric vehicle overcome the existing three challenges from a business model perspective.
The establishment of a network-distributed battery replacement station will effectively alleviate the consumer's dependence on the electric vehicle mileage, thus solving the problem of "low performance". Especially when electric cars are used in cities, battery replacement stations can be found at any time around 5km. The existing automatic power changer can complete the battery replacement within 3 minutes without any participation, which is shorter than the time it takes to refuel.
The establishment of the electric vehicle rental network, in an effective way to solve the "high cost" problem, but also effectively improve the social wealth efficiency. Because of the use of leasing, consumers do not have to bear the high cost of the purchase and long-term use of the money to bring "idle". As a vehicle rental operator, it has more efficient use of vehicles than traditional private ownership. A car can meet the needs of more people at different times. Therefore, the higher purchase cost can be solved by improving the use efficiency of the vehicle by the leasing trader. This is similar to the car-pool model that is popular abroad.
Whether it is a battery replacement station network or an electric vehicle rental network, such a new business model will make "charging difficult" problem solved. For consumers who have daily travel needs, although electric vehicles use a battery for a shorter mileage, it takes less than 3 minutes to replace a fully-charged battery when using a power station network to get a longer mileage. And the relevant research also shows that Beijing passenger car daily travel mileage less than 50km. Therefore, under normal circumstances, consumers can choose to make regular charge at home at night. The battery replacement service can be selected when a longer mileage is required for a particular situation. For consumers who do not have to travel every day, car rentals have become a more appropriate option. In the vicinity of the work place or in the residential area, all have a perfect car rental network. Consumers can completely do not have to consider the problem of charging, directly from the rental point to pick up the car, after the return can be returned.
With the emergence of new business models such as vehicle leasing and battery replacement, the three difficult problems facing the marketization of electric vehicles are "low performance", "High Cost", and "charging hard" can be solved. Especially in the short term, it is very important to solve the problem of the development of electric vehicle through the innovation of business model in the condition that technology can not realize breakthrough progress.
Vehicles confirmed to be using JBZY New Energy:




ZJMY / Kawei Partnered EV1 SUV, high speed EV

From Kenimous:
Zhong Ji Ming Yang New Energy Vehicles new V9 glory Listed!

Zhongji Ming Yang new energy vehicle V9 using ergonomic SUV design, high ground clearance has a good pass, tough lines highlight the dynamic characteristics of the vehicle, AC induction motor and intelligent motor controller, vehicle front drive performance Superior, wide field of vision, tire 165/60/14 vacuum tires, driving comfort, suitable for a variety of road driving, high-power motor drive system, Strong to provide adequate power performance.

V9 vehicle size 3900 * 1750 * 1600 mileage of 150 kilometers, the model configuration 5000 W AC motor, InBowler controller, nine 8V150AH maintenance-free dry electricity, air conditioning system, the front disc brake drum brake. Aluminum alloy vacuum tire, four electric doors and windows, intelligent remote-control lock. Let you really experience the price of electric cars , car-level enjoyment!
Jinbo related stuff:
Jinbo Bullet Train Advertising:

Confirmed JBZY Ownership/Partnerships:
Check out the long-star website.
This is of the sight-seeing car. Notice the Z logo everywhere? I love how it show's that on the Long-Star website.

From Kenimous:
Changan Automobile (Group) Co., Ltd. is a Chinese automobile manufacturer headquartered in Chongqing, China, and a state-owned enterprise. Changan is considered to be one of the "Big Four" Chinese automakers, and manufacture of 3 million units in 2016 saw the company rank fourth among China's automakers by production volume. It is Chinas second most popular car brand, with 1.4 million Changan cars sold in 2016
We already know JBZY has a 37.7% stake in Long Star.
Long Star Has the V9, which is the same as the Changan Cs15ev. Look at the two cars below.
Long Star · V9

Changan Cs15ev

Long Star V9

Changan Cs15ev

Long Star · V9

Changan Cs15ev

Long Star V9

Changan Cs15ev

Long Star V9

Changan Cs15ev

***********************Useful Google Links for JBZY**********************
SEARCHING FOR WANG JINLAI INFORMATION ? Tap on this link: http://tinyurl.com/ydfvecl5
SEARCHING FOR ZHONG JI MING YANG INFORMATION ? Tap on this link: http://tinyurl.com/yayb8kvu
SEARCHING FOR LONG STAR NEW ENERGY INFORMATION ? Tap on this link: http://tinyurl.com/yd24sasq
SEARCHING FOR WUHU HUABAO NEW ENERGY INFORMATION ? Tap on this link: http://tinyurl.com/y8gt3rp3
SEARCHING FOR COWIN/CHERY INFORMATION ? Tap on this link: http://tinyurl.com/ycvo3lco
SEARCHING FOR JINBO INVESTMENT HOLDING CO. INFORMATION ? Tap on this link: http://tinyurl.com/y9sa38ab
*****************Useful Chinese Sources related to JBZY*****************
Zhong Ji Ming Yang New Energy - Search results from Baidu for ZJMY:
Long Star New Energy Vehicles - ZJMY's OEM partner for Low-Speed Models:
Cowin/Chery website - ZJMY's OEM partner for the V3 7-Seater All Electric SUV:
Jinbo Investment Holding Group - ZJMY's parent company:
Wang JinLai, Jinbo Investment Holding Group CEO:
Some Business Listing sites to check out for partner Long Star:
Upcoming product applications:
***************************Educational Websites****************************
Jin Bo News Website: http://www.jingtezmt.com/
Parent company website for Long Star: http://www.jiujiuxing.net/
Shandong Long Star website: http://www.jjxddc.com/ & http://www.sdjjx.net/
Guangxi Long Star website: http://www.jjxev.cn/
Website/Blog from Taiwan China Urban Competitiveness Cultural Exchange Association, vice chairman: http://tinyurl.com/yctbp6gc
************Speculative Applications for JBZY New Energy***************

From xLogit3k:
The new Teng potential road test spy photos exposure milage increased to 451 km(edited)

The furthest distance will exceed 500 km

Teng Potential Concept Car

Car found on ZJMY WeChat. The rims look similar to the concept car.

This is the Teng Potential 400 picture taken from ZJMY Wechat

And this is the Teng Potential 400 from pcauto.com

So what I'm suggesting is that our Technology could be in the new Denza-Daimler-Teng Potential Pure electric car.


***********************User Posts Regarding News:************************
Jym Shoe:
Lots of new info being uncovered lately... and some older info, too
example... JBZY has an agreement to co-produce EV's with Chery:
Wonder whose battery tech this really is...
Jym Shoe:
Want to know what's happening in Guigang, epicenter of EV manufacturing for JBZY/Long Star?
try this Guigang News site,...as always, Google Chrome, translate, refresh daily, etc... Enjoy!!
Jym Shoe:
Compare our range with the others listed here...
They don't even compare. Ever Wonder why it is SOO easy for JBZY to negotiate partnerships with other companies? This would be why!
DD Courtesy of Floridany
Electric Bus: ZJMY vs. BYD
At the end of this video around 38:51, she introduced ZJMY electric bus. This bus is comparable to BYD's K8 electric bus. BYD K8 parameters can be found here: http://www.chinabuses.com/product/buses/3064.html#cspz . Here is a very simple comparison I can put together:
Seats (31 vs 32-38)
Length (7.3m vs 10.5m)
Weight (5.3ton vs 11.9ton)
Max speed (110km vs 69km)
Range (430km vs >200km)
It is obvious that both max speed and range of our bus are superior to BYD K8.
JBZY did not release any details on the quantity of government procured buses, or if there is any pending orders from any municipality. There are hundreds of large to mid-size cities like Bengbu, Anhui in China. An order from single city could easily reach hundred million dollars.
Take a tour of a ZJMY EV here:
Regarding the employee stock plan (take note of the issue date, this supersedes the previously issued certs)

BobDude's DD Oasis on Reddit:
JBZY Evolution Timeline by Ilhabela77
1. DOLV was an idle shell for over a year
2. A Chinese Billionaire Wang Dequn enlisted Richard Oravec (IPO and Reverse Merger Specialist) to find him "shell" company.
3. Richard Oravec presented Wang Dequn(Also goes by Wang Jinlai in China) DOLV as the "shell"
4. Wang Dequn acquired 300,000 preferred shares in DOLV to obtain majority interest by reverse merging Zhong Ji Ming Yang New Energy into the DOLV shell.
5. All of a sudden the idle shell wasn't so idle anymore
6. Shareholders who had not seen any action in the stock started to check what was happening (started movement from below .0001)
7. Due Diligence began uncovering the trail of a "reverse merger"
8. Wang Dequn was discovered and the real Due Diligence began
9. Once the trail to the "real Wang Dequn" was uncovered, all of Wang Dequn's business holdings started to come to light (continued movement form .001 upward)
10. Richard Oravec (I.R. for DOLV) and reverese merger specialist issued a PR on April 6th detailing the DOLV Acquisition (ran from .01 to .13)
11. More and more and more Due Diligence was done uncovering massive potential
12. It was found that a new company was being created.
13. It was found that this company was being formed by the JinBo Group of Wang Dequns
14. Further Due Diligence uncovered business entities being created JB & ZJMY "HOLDING" company
15. It was discovered that JinBo Group is "MASSIVE"
16. More Due Diligence uncovered JinBo Group had purchased majority shares of ZJMY New Energy
17. Further, ZJMY had purchased controlling interest of Wuhu Huabo Electric Battery and EV company
18. Wuhu Huabo contracts Chery(Top Chinese Auto-maker) to manufacture their Electric Vehicles for them (Utilizing Chery's chassis, interiors, body - but using ZJMY batteries, electronics, motors and drivetrains)
19. More and more, it was found that DOLV was being MERGED into an incredible Electric Vehicle, Battery, charging station, robotic battery swapping station, etc. etc. etc. company
20. We began seeing multiple news articles with "Z" low-speed electric vehicles.
21. Further DD saw that the company has patents for batteries, swapping stations etc. Price began to fall off as FINRA was taking too long to approve the name/symbol change. This was due to some illegal activities from the shell owners back in 2010 when it was a diamond mining company)
22. Besides Electric Vehicles and best batteries available, company also will have charging stations and ROBOTIC BATTERY SWAPPING STATIONS
23. The June 24th ASEAN ONE BELT ONE ROAD CONFERENCE was held detailing JB & ZJMY's entry into the NEW ENERGY ELECTRIC VEHICLE space in multiple Asian countries. (stock price stabilized as more people realize the potential)
24. Recently, it was discovered that Zhong Ji Ming Yang New Energy took a 37.7% shareholder stake in Long Star New Energy and the Low-Speed EV production base was set up at Long Star for joint-venture production
25. It was announced that Zhong Ji Ming Yang and Guigang City in Guangxi province had a cooperation agreement for a 300,000 unit high-speed EV factory covering 500 acres
26. Following the submission of requested info by August 25th deadline, FINRA has since entered into the next stage of its Company-Related Action (rule 6490) review process, asking issuers or duly authorized reps of DOLV to provide answers and supporting docs to any follow-up questions (stock has been heavily accumulated in the 0.03-0.4 range, and most recently ran up to 0.05 on an uptick in volume)
27. Once FINRA posts Name/Ticker change, JB&ZJMY should release Consolidated Financials
28. Expect many Press Releases once company is openly PUBLIC !!
30. FINRA approved name/symbol change. It will be posted to FINRA site tomorrow and be official through brokerage houses on Wednesday.http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/DOLV/news/CORRECTION--Dolat-Ventures--DOLV--Stock-Ticker-Symbol-Change-to-JBZY?id=173054&b=y
Link: 1 billion yuan 30,000 special purpose vehicles project in Guangxi by Long Star
Jym Shoe & Kenimous:
Qichacha, JBZY and the Wang Group...
If you have never used qichacha, you are missing out on a lot of info.
First: Use a PC, the most important features cannot be accessed by phone.
Second: you'll need your phone to get verified, qichacha will send a 6 digit number for verification to your phone
To get started, copy the following link and paste into your browser...
That link is for the Wang Group... it will probably come up as a login page if you are not currently signed into qichacha...
Step ONE Select 'Dynamic Login' at top right... THEN, The top box is for you phone number... change the left side of the top box to USA +1 for country code(or appropriate country for you...), enter your cell phone number in the right side of the top box.
(You may be presented a verification test, wherein you have to click on a photo and select the Chinese character for 'Jia' for example,...guess at it, in other cases you may have to click, in order, some puzzle, keep trying...)
Click 'Get Verified'
Then drag the slider bar in the next box all the way to the right...
qichacha will send your cell phone a txt msg with a 6 digit code...
Enter that code in the next box and click the blue 'login' button at the bottom...
Once logged in, it will keep you logged in for about 2 weeks...
You will find information like the following, for The Wang Group

I have marked the above image up to show you what it means, but using Google Chrome, and translating to english, when you hover over some (though, curiously, not all) of the names on the Business Map, the english version of the name will appear in a text box.
You may also click on a blue sphere or a yellow sphere and it will pop up an information box. That information box will contain the names of the shareholders and other informaiton about that particular company the blue sphere represents... Clicking on the linked names there will open a new window for that entity, person, or corporation...
Jym Shoe
ZhongJi MingYang Wechat page..
ZhongJi MingYang Wechat page
This shows several of their models... some nice looking cars there...
Look at all the partnership JBZY has with other EV Manufactures





Provide Ji Ming Yang 10 million yuan as a standard charging station in Guigang Capital.
Qitang District, Gui Gang, Guangxi and Ming Yang in the negotiations in Guigang investment matters
December 3, 2017, Guantang District Mayor of Guigang City, Guangxi Province, led the government investment team to Beijing to discuss with Zhong Ji Ming Yang New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. "Zhongji Ming Yang New Energy invested 1.5 billion Yuan in Guigang annual output 30 Million new energy speed car "and" smart charging station "project.
Han Ji Ming, chairman of Zhong Ji Ming Yang new energy vehicles, president Weng Jun and company executives warmly received the leaders of Guangxi.

Zhang Qitang Qin Tong District has brought a beautiful Guangxi Guigang investment advantages of commercials

By the chief engineer of the Institute of Yang Ming Yang in the current state-of-the-art new energy vehicles, "smart three electrical systems" and "Charging station technology" introduction, the district leaders are very interested in this project, greatly appreciated, decided to provide Ji Mingy Yang 10 million yuan as a standard charging station in Guigang capital.

After the meeting, Zhang Zong Chang personally experienced the new-energy high-tech smart SUV electric car that was independently developed by Zhong Ji Ming Yang New Energy Vehicle for 6 hours and with a life of 500 kilometers . Chairman Zhang and leaders expressed their great expectations for the project of Ming Yang in Zhong Ji and sincerely invited Chairman Han and executives of the company to visit Guangxi.

MAJOR NEWS – See one of the many factories where are cars are being made
Ji Ming Yang in the New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
JBZY has a 37.7% Stake in Guangxi long time Star New Energy Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd.

Guangxi long time Star New Energy Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd.

The sign on column in front of this Long Star Factory translates to "Zhong Ji Ming Yang New Energy Electric Vehicle Production"
Click here to watch the video at 1:29 you will see our cars coming off the line
Shandong Jiuxingxing New Energy Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd. is located in the famous Jiangbei Shuicheng, painting and calligraphy hometown - Gaotang County Economic Development Zone, 105 National Road, 308 State Road, Qingyin Expressway intersection, strategic location and convenient transportation. Founded by Shandong Jiuxiu Xing Bearing Co., Ltd., the company is a high-tech enterprise specializing in R & D, production and sales of new energy vehicles. It has also set up "New Energy Power Technology R & D Center" jointly with the State Chinese Academy of Sciences, Harbin Institute of Technology and Liaocheng University . With the growing business, the company again in Guangxi and Liaoning, respectively, to build a "long time in Guangxi new energy vehicles Technology Co., Ltd.", "long time in Liaoning Xingneng Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd." two branches, thus forming a body with two wings radiating the country The development of the situation, products throughout the country, the credibility extended to the world. Now has 28 patents, leading products more than 20 funds, including new energy electric cars, electric forklifts, electric van, electric police cars, electric sanitation trucks and other series. Main models: Cheetah, Wisdom Star, V3 , V5 , V6 , V350 , sunshine single row, sunshine double row, box cargo, mobile diner, mobile toilet, mobile van and police patrol car. The biggest advantage of their products are: save money, power consumption per kilometer 5-10 yuan. Pure electric vehicles use electricity, no exhaust emissions in driving, green does not pollute the environment. Electric cars are more energy efficient than gasoline-powered cars. Due to the use of household 220v electric energy, eliminating the engine, transmission, fuel tank, cooling and exhaust system, so the structure is simple, beautiful appearance.
A long time series of products have passed the production license, CCC certification. Currently, the only long Shandong Star New Energy Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd. investment has reached 2 billion yuan, covers an area of 52,000 square meters, designed annual production capacity of up to 10 million units.
Quality is the life of the enterprise, to provide customers with zero-defect products and meticulous service is a long time Star all the staff's goal. A long time Star with their own practical efforts in the pursuit of building a world-class electric car empire, built world-class electric car marketing network and after-sales service network, looking forward to a long time in the new wave of stars sail!
Liaocheng News Network Liaocheng Press Media Group / Government Information Office jointly organized Liaocheng
VIDEO* Jinbo and ZhongJi MingYang Debut Tao Bo Zibo TV News Channel "Tonight 18"
December 3, 2017, Governor of Qintang District, Guigang City, Guangxi Province, led the government investment team to Beijing to discuss with Zhongji Mingyang New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. "Zhongji Mingyang New Energy invested 1.5 billion Yuan in Guigang annual output 300,000 new energy high-speed car "and" smart charging station "project.
Han Ji Ming, chairman of Zhongji Mingyang new energy vehicles, president Weng Jun and company executives warmly received the leaders of Guangxi.
ZJMY Company Profile:
Zhongji Mingyang New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive high-tech enterprise focusing on new energy vehicles and related industries, integrating R & D, production, sales and other market operations. Companies from the listed company Jinbo Investment Holding Group shares, relying on the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing University of Technology and other well-known team of experts, with strong financial strength and technical strength in the field of new energy vehicles with more than 10 inventions Patents and utility model patents. With the four core technologies of "Motor, Battery, Electronic Control and Fast Replacing" independently researched and developed, Zhongji Mingyang Electric Vehicle successfully solved the problem of short battery life, slow charging speed, short battery life, short battery life, High cost, unsafe battery fever five major bottlenecks. At present, the company owns five production bases of low-speed and high-speed vehicles in operation and planned under construction in Shandong, Liaoning, Guangxi, Jiangsu and Shaanxi. The equipment is equipped with the most advanced production technology and testing equipment. The company has reached a strategic cooperation with the Karwe Group intends to cooperate, Ka Wei Yang in the Ming and Yang Expressway will be off the assembly line soon.??
??In the Ji-Ming Yang low-speed electric vehicles, mileage of 150-200 kilometers, due to the installation of a unique "extended range system", you can achieve "unlimited life." In 2016, the SUV high-speed electric vehicle exhibited by the company in its "Haitian Rendez-vous" was held in Sanya, Hainan Province, with an endurance of over 500 km and a speed of 145 km per hour. It has dominated many luxury cars and attracted numerous media contention Phase reports. On June 24, 2017, "Jinbo-Zhongji Mingyang" high-speed railway officially started its operation in an area of ??2,500 kilometers between Nanning and Beijing. Since July 2017, OTC Pink, a single-shell company codenamed "DOLV", has merged with its acquisition of China Zhongji Mingyang New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Suddenly In the recent two months, the stock price soared more than 10 times and attracted the attention of domestic and foreign investors. This proves that social capital, especially international capital, is full of confidence and expectation for the future development of the company.
??In the Ming Yang Yang New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., is willing to work together friends from all walks of life, coexistence, sharing, win-win situation, a total of development for the community to provide more high-quality products for the motherland's new energy automotive industry to make greater contribution to the development.