64595 |
Yesterdays PR was terrific. Brilacidin was found (15) |
farrell |
05/20/2020 8:55:40 PM |
70679 |
IPIX .. NR (non retail) would normally be showing (16) |
4kids |
10/28/2021 12:32:05 PM |
72046 |
Innovation Pharmaceuticals Announces Publication (7) |
Mo |
10/04/2022 12:13:17 PM |
72181 |
WAKEFIELD, MA / January 4, 2023 BT (7) |
Drano |
01/09/2023 8:51:41 AM |
11692 |
Sounds right to me. And aspire would have to |
BooDog |
12/05/2013 5:54:26 AM |
11691 |
Seel's reply says it best. That's what my goal |
BooDog |
12/05/2013 5:44:57 AM |
11690 |
I figured some questions could be answered using |
Dynabolic |
12/05/2013 1:32:01 AM |
11689 |
I'm staying with you BooDog. Hey....look 'they' |
bunny |
12/05/2013 12:54:13 AM |
11688 |
When you do TWO financing deals (Aspire), then |
bunny |
12/05/2013 12:31:02 AM |
11687 |
For me - selling at or near top is most important |
seel |
12/05/2013 12:04:11 AM |
11686 |
IDRA - I have been haunting IDRA for weeks! |
seel |
12/05/2013 12:01:07 AM |
11685 |
I am not the smartest tool in the shed. I have |
BigJeff |
12/04/2013 9:25:48 PM |
11684 |
I have pondered the following question some, |
Dynabolic |
12/04/2013 7:25:59 PM |
11683 |
Had to get away from the dark side for a bit. I |
BooDog |
12/04/2013 5:14:50 PM |
11682 |
Actually NR and a few others have been saying |
Kelt |
12/04/2013 2:30:54 PM |
11681 |
I think it's mearly short-sightedness by the weak |
Dynabolic |
12/04/2013 2:13:34 PM |
11680 |
Yeah, WTF? did someone post something negative on |
Drano |
12/04/2013 12:11:45 PM |
11679 |
$1.48???? How low can this go? |
BigJeff |
12/04/2013 10:22:59 AM |
11678 |
you got that right. |
Tails |
12/04/2013 9:14:56 AM |
11677 |
The Brain for sure. Who better than a |
Loose Lips |
12/03/2013 11:08:00 PM |
11676 |
Uncle Scrooge is my choice. If that guy were on |
Drano |
12/03/2013 9:11:31 PM |
11675 |
The greatest cartoon in my estimation was Calvin |
petemantx |
12/03/2013 7:05:42 PM |
11674 |
Henery the chicken-hawk, I say, Henery the |
Tails |
12/03/2013 4:08:17 PM |
11673 |
PEPE LE PEW "ze best of ze best" The aromatic |
L vus |
12/03/2013 12:59:54 PM |
11672 |
That is Jessica Rabbit.... |
Tails |
12/03/2013 11:02:19 AM |
11671 |
DITTO what Big Jeff said.....you're a good man |
wild4ctix |
12/03/2013 8:24:12 AM |
11670 |
Jim Boeheim??? Oh wait a minute, he's not a |
BigJeff |
12/03/2013 4:23:07 AM |
11669 |
Thanks for sharing, Pete! You are a very good |
BigJeff |
12/03/2013 4:19:54 AM |
11668 |
I think we're being teased - many of us expected |
Dynabolic |
12/02/2013 11:57:36 PM |
11667 |
I own all three as well. Not in any comparable |
Dynabolic |
12/02/2013 11:50:39 PM |
11666 |
The Brain, from Pinky and the Brain. The new |
Dynabolic |
12/02/2013 11:43:24 PM |
11665 |
Slow day so will make an OT post regarding the |
petemantx |
12/02/2013 11:18:47 PM |
11664 |
Wow my post sounded all serious and I spelled my |
polkadot |
12/02/2013 9:24:54 PM |
11663 |
#1 CTIX #2 NNVC #3 CUR I started In 2013 with 6 |
L vus |
12/02/2013 7:36:37 PM |
11662 |
I am glad we are going to share here so we can |
polkadot |
12/02/2013 10:10:26 AM |
11661 |
Yea dude. Its just getting started for DSNY, |
Pepsiman2001 |
12/02/2013 8:22:08 AM |
11660 |
Mr. W, its always helpful to cut and paste their |
BigJeff |
12/02/2013 6:53:59 AM |
11659 |
I DrJerry is a doctor, then he is surely a |
MrW |
12/01/2013 9:04:31 PM |
11658 |
Hi Skorogi, I am no match for your debating |
BigJeff |
12/01/2013 8:34:48 PM |
11657 |
Jeff, thanks for your thoughts. You provide a |
skorogi |
12/01/2013 1:32:00 PM |
11656 |
Wow! That chart looks like a staircase! I better |
MrW |
12/01/2013 9:33:52 AM |
11655 |
Thanks, Pete! I checked out XXII, looks quite |
BigJeff |
11/30/2013 11:49:15 AM |
11654 |
The problem is this email could have been written |
BigJeff |
11/30/2013 11:47:33 AM |
11653 |
This board is for all . . . some have found there |
BigJeff |
11/30/2013 11:44:58 AM |
11652 |
It is pretty amazing the number of stocks many of |
petemantx |
11/30/2013 11:20:06 AM |
11651 |
If one were to be trading CTIX, one should be |
Pepsiman2001 |
11/30/2013 11:02:33 AM |
11650 |
RE: DSNY...........Clipstream launched on |
Pepsiman2001 |
11/30/2013 10:53:09 AM |
11649 |
BigJeff - Here's a thought. Many here like me |
NotRichYet2 |
11/30/2013 7:55:39 AM |
11648 |
Thanks, MrW! I think the last thing this world |
BigJeff |
11/30/2013 7:26:04 AM |
11647 |
READ post 6252 on iHUB for |
NotRichYet2 |
11/30/2013 7:23:20 AM |
11646 |
On your DSNY suggestion - You should have added |
NotRichYet2 |
11/30/2013 7:06:36 AM |
11645 |
Don't sell the tobacco stock short. XXII has |
petemantx |
11/29/2013 8:44:37 PM |
11644 |
Just a thought...how about you, Seel and Pete |
MrW |
11/29/2013 8:30:13 PM |
11643 |
If I had a nickel every time Gov and the Iflub |
BigJeff |
11/29/2013 8:11:21 PM |