13862 |
Matt Veal 2018 address to shareholders. Keep the (1) |
Goodspeed65 |
01/01/2018 2:53:27 PM |
13987 |
Hangover Joe's Supplemental address to |
Goodspeed65 |
01/03/2018 5:05:21 PM |
15018 |
Joe may be down and out at the moment, but I have |
Goodspeed65 |
03/01/2019 7:36:17 PM |
13030 |
My uneducated view and suggestions: 1. I would |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/18/2017 10:49:47 AM |
13029 |
CureKorea has ads running for Hangover Shot! KBS (5) |
casey7883 |
08/18/2017 10:44:55 AM |
13028 |
Question for the group, USAA is the single worst |
BlackSheep |
08/18/2017 9:20:00 AM |
13027 |
Hey GS, I think the C.K. advertising/ news fits (6) |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/17/2017 12:03:06 PM |
13026 |
Send 'em the Jerky too, they will have no idea (1) |
IKnowNothing |
08/17/2017 12:15:15 AM |
13025 |
Our distributor #CureKorea keeps taking the (4) |
casey7883 |
08/16/2017 2:03:27 PM |
13024 |
Huge! Huge! development from C.K. they are (8) |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/16/2017 1:02:06 PM |
13023 |
Hangover Joe's 3m Great news from #CureKorea (8) |
casey7883 |
08/16/2017 12:13:28 PM |
13022 |
You should be on the dart board and around the |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/15/2017 8:34:23 AM |
13021 |
I apologize........but this last batch is out of (4) |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/15/2017 8:27:30 AM |
13020 |
7/19/18. Right around the time I believe dipshit (4) |
Goodspeed65 |
08/15/2017 12:05:11 AM |
13019 |
Enough! Your killing me! (1) |
jstay52 |
08/14/2017 9:14:51 PM |
13018 |
Yep, you are correct 7-19-18....Fresh! Hard to |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/14/2017 6:48:05 PM |
13017 |
Look at the date stamped on the bottom of the |
casey7883 |
08/14/2017 6:44:52 PM |
13016 |
Unbelievable Jerky. They must have just made Ed's |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/14/2017 6:32:44 PM |
13015 |
I stopped by Ed's house yesterday and picked up (2) |
casey7883 |
08/14/2017 6:29:49 PM |
13014 |
I just got my order from you and I can say...my (1) |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/14/2017 6:22:59 PM |
13013 |
Got a call from one of my accounts asking for (9) |
sextoned |
08/14/2017 6:07:37 PM |
13012 |
Did they forget to turn on the twitter feed |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/14/2017 2:32:36 PM |
13011 |
Boise - can you give us a general update on what |
thesmallsV2 |
08/13/2017 9:29:03 PM |
13010 |
Great Job Boise! Get those Bronco fans filled up (1) |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/12/2017 2:48:18 PM |
13009 |
Always great to see dealers taking a pro-active (3) |
Steven1973 |
08/12/2017 10:22:46 AM |
13008 |
TS_03, Agreed, Hangover Joes is changing how (5) |
HangoverJoes-Boise |
08/11/2017 10:19:59 PM |
13007 |
Thanks Steven1973, Love you too brother. About (6) |
HangoverJoes-Boise |
08/11/2017 10:15:49 PM |
13006 |
Excellent points Thunder. Hope management takes a (1) |
Steven1973 |
08/11/2017 8:57:05 PM |
13005 |
Chag, I don't believe it's a matter of working (1) |
Coujoe62 |
08/11/2017 7:01:36 PM |
13004 |
I'm sure they will put something/guidance out in (1) |
X10 |
08/11/2017 7:00:03 PM |
13003 |
I agree the more that grow the better as long as (2) |
chag |
08/11/2017 6:37:17 PM |
13002 |
Chag, the company is now finding its footing, (3) |
sextoned |
08/11/2017 6:15:19 PM |
13001 |
The more shares HJOE RETIRES = the more likely (3) |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/11/2017 1:22:16 PM |
13000 |
I know we get twitter posts all day and everyday (2) |
chag |
08/11/2017 12:49:06 PM |
12999 |
This board is nothing like IHUB. Perfect example. (5) |
Goodspeed65 |
08/10/2017 8:05:16 PM |
12998 |
Now that was easy to do, thanks Ed for the best (2) |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/10/2017 6:31:12 PM |
12997 |
Ed, I'll purchase some .... PM me and I'll place (1) |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/10/2017 4:26:12 PM |
12996 |
I guess that makes sense so that the dealers can |
marketmover |
08/10/2017 4:14:32 PM |
12995 |
Kind of fitting. The very first package of jerky (3) |
casey7883 |
08/10/2017 4:09:23 PM |
12994 |
I say again, if you like the jerkyso much then (2) |
sextoned |
08/10/2017 3:19:09 PM |
12993 |
https://twitter.com/thehangovershot/status/895696 (1) |
X10 |
08/10/2017 1:31:27 PM |
12992 |
Tequila Habanero no questions asked. |
marketmover |
08/10/2017 12:41:24 PM |
12991 |
If you enjoy the products so much and for some (5) |
Obtheone27 |
08/10/2017 12:37:41 PM |
12990 |
And yet you have the nerve to accuse other |
casey7883 |
08/10/2017 12:05:14 PM |
12989 |
No I am not LOL. I am also Marketmover on the |
marketmover |
08/10/2017 11:59:22 AM |
12988 |
So am I.... as I stated 90 times. I won'y try do |
marketmover |
08/10/2017 11:57:30 AM |
12987 |
"Unfortunately, this board no longer allows the (5) |
casey7883 |
08/10/2017 11:46:24 AM |
12986 |
You sir are a basher from Ihub and you go by (7) |
HangoverJoeFan |
08/10/2017 11:46:21 AM |
12983 |
Just to be perfectly clear. I am a long investor, (3) |
marketmover |
08/10/2017 11:20:54 AM |
12982 |
The funny part of bashing this board is: One, (4) |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/10/2017 11:12:46 AM |
12981 |
usually a dead give away these characters make (4) |
08/10/2017 10:45:39 AM |
12980 |
Per today's twitter: More dealers coming! I (1) |
Thundersteel_03 |
08/10/2017 10:17:57 AM |
12979 |
Yeah a few have me on ignore. lol some don't like (4) |
X10 |
08/09/2017 6:47:51 PM |