VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | "Once cleared, we never land" I lik (11) | 06/24/2021 11:18:03 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | #22 How many shares of VERB will be (14) | 06/20/2021 11:13:30 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | If there's one thing i've learned i (16) | 06/05/2021 9:40:58 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Naturally, donations have already b (12) | 05/26/2021 10:55:42 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | 7:47 When the host says "My goodnes (14) | 05/21/2021 9:08:04 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Better analytics and social commerc (15) | 05/17/2021 7:49:27 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | This is quite the list! I used to c (14) | 04/30/2021 2:34:38 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Somehow, I doubt Teddie does....Tha (13) | 04/22/2021 10:26:57 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Bottom feeders are out to play on T (12) | 04/15/2021 11:24:38 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Personally, I love the name. It's a (11) | 04/14/2021 7:05:23 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Excellent point, and something I kn (13) | 04/02/2021 1:20:56 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | The car buying example made me thin (10) | 04/01/2021 10:01:27 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Listening to Rory talk about VERB w (13) | 03/31/2021 4:52:12 PM |
DD Support Board and Research Team | Very interesting to see how differe (10) | 03/31/2021 2:47:43 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Look at those numbers and percentag (18) | 03/30/2021 11:14:59 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Excellent post and perspective. Unm (14) | 03/27/2021 2:36:22 PM |
DD Support Board and Research Team | Thank you! (7) | 03/25/2021 8:25:22 PM |
DD Support Board and Research Team | Open Question: What does hypergrowt (8) | 03/25/2021 11:19:58 AM |
DD Support Board and Research Team | (10) | 03/25/2021 11:00:01 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Haven't posted in a while, but i'm (15) | 03/24/2021 5:16:49 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | On my calendar. Hope everyone here (11) | 11/17/2020 4:32:43 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Great share, thank you!! Highly rec (7) | 10/25/2020 11:12:37 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | And the Google Play store shows "1, (11) | 10/17/2020 2:57:46 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Thanks for putting some realistic p (11) | 09/28/2020 7:16:30 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Just saw this scrolling through my (19) | 09/07/2020 8:26:54 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | How many people here have Facebook (13) | 08/31/2020 1:02:52 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Exciting stuff! Verb being usable i (12) | 08/30/2020 10:20:41 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | *raises hand* 1. A lot more than an (12) | 08/01/2020 4:18:26 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Between the premarket and level of (12) | 07/21/2020 10:27:35 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | “Looking ahead, as we introduce v (11) | 07/13/2020 9:10:01 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Kudos to you Matz, I was typing up (12) | 06/28/2020 1:35:45 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | I haven't even finished reading the (15) | 06/11/2020 6:31:28 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | What does one call a wish that's be (8) | 06/06/2020 10:19:11 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Couldn't agree more. Wells Fargo is (13) | 05/17/2020 3:04:18 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Any/Every institution buying in is (9) | 05/16/2020 8:59:34 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | A post like this coming from someon (15) | 05/11/2020 6:36:07 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Public meltdowns, what an embarassm (16) | 05/09/2020 12:19:46 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | I believe that you are right on man (11) | 04/28/2020 11:03:03 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Thanks for sharing this. Very excit (8) | 04/22/2020 10:51:59 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | I'm one of many whose stimulus mone (9) | 04/21/2020 9:34:51 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Great post, Matza. I see Verb and T (13) | 04/17/2020 1:35:15 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Great to see, thanks for sharing. B (8) | 04/14/2020 9:39:12 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Excellent timing, unfortunate reali (15) | 04/09/2020 12:59:40 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Thanks for sharing, Red! If the aut (18) | 04/07/2020 1:42:13 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Appreciate that- Will definitely be (11) | 04/01/2020 12:12:42 PM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Hit my first target for warrant hol (11) | 04/01/2020 10:35:37 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | EDIT: Saw that someone already addr (12) | 03/25/2020 11:37:33 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Another stellar episode! I apprecia (11) | 03/25/2020 11:21:09 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | Warrants on sale, 4 for $1. Just do (8) | 03/23/2020 11:29:37 AM |
VERB Verb Technology Company, Inc | I think you're right about the expa (8) | 03/21/2020 11:04:33 AM |