ZRFY Zerify Inc | Tomorrow the last public hearing on (5) | 06/10/2019 6:45:44 AM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Just like RDY2ROK has been telling | 06/07/2019 11:24:34 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | The final public hearing on patent (3) | 06/07/2019 9:50:44 AM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | I'll take a 100% increase any time. | 06/05/2019 5:32:46 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Nope, just reminding people of YOY | 06/05/2019 11:22:23 AM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Some also forget the 104% increase | 06/05/2019 10:36:34 AM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Disagree pps "at all time lows". Ch | 06/05/2019 9:26:12 AM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Both houses of Congress are working (2) | 06/05/2019 9:19:11 AM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Bingo! That's the crux of the lack (1) | 06/04/2019 10:04:23 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Tomorrow's Lesson: Sen. Mitch McCon (2) | 06/04/2019 8:55:41 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Newbies, Zpaul's post is significan (2) | 06/04/2019 8:26:45 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Agree. They have been working their (1) | 06/03/2019 10:27:06 AM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Wow! Speak about skin in the game i (2) | 06/03/2019 9:13:14 AM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | If Senator Tillis has requested con (3) | 06/01/2019 7:43:34 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | What my Senator's senior field staf (3) | 06/01/2019 5:53:15 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Introduction of the reform legislat (6) | 05/31/2019 3:29:29 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | It's O.K., we're all under stress a (7) | 05/30/2019 2:52:36 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | As requested just got off the phone (2) | 05/30/2019 11:40:48 AM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | One of the kingdom of doubt just po | 05/30/2019 9:37:36 AM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Should read no doubt after of doubt | 05/30/2019 9:13:01 AM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | At the end of the dance the head of | 05/30/2019 9:08:41 AM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | SFOR's "Dance of the seven veils" t (2) | 05/30/2019 9:05:15 AM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Pug is right. Nothing is "actually (3) | 05/29/2019 9:50:16 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | The Federal budget fiasco delayed p | 05/29/2019 3:17:04 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | To "hit the dollars" in 2020 makes (2) | 05/28/2019 8:17:51 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Given that the Q1 showed a 104% inc | 05/28/2019 12:12:21 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | I fully expect the pps to remain un (1) | 05/28/2019 12:07:52 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | "check to SFOR by the 15th" gotta l | 05/28/2019 11:56:36 AM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Agree. Initial insight into revs fl (1) | 05/28/2019 9:50:16 AM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | No, you are not missing anything. T (3) | 05/24/2019 5:11:30 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | If this bicameral proposition passe (1) | 05/24/2019 8:56:53 AM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Following Cyber's lead on this by c (1) | 05/23/2019 11:32:56 AM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | "and the bill passes" is the operat (5) | 05/22/2019 7:12:42 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Mods you made my day! I was out all | 05/22/2019 6:14:34 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | "I said all I could in the intervie (3) | 05/21/2019 5:37:20 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Ever hear of a Non Disclosure Agree | 05/21/2019 5:29:25 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Jesse Livermore, the 20th century's (1) | 05/21/2019 5:28:05 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | It all depends on how it is structu (1) | 05/20/2019 5:58:12 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | IMHO SFOR won't exist in 18 months. (2) | 05/20/2019 3:05:05 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | "Mark and his team are making it ha (4) | 05/20/2019 12:15:14 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Why would the pps be lower on 8/14 | 05/20/2019 12:11:48 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Absolutely! Naysayers who shouted f (1) | 05/20/2019 12:07:42 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Agree. We've longterm thinking in s (2) | 05/20/2019 11:03:45 AM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Yup. I've got no complaints particu | 05/20/2019 10:56:43 AM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | We all have ROI timeframes. Mine is | 05/20/2019 9:38:42 AM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Not "if". Process patents (that SFO | 05/20/2019 8:24:23 AM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Completely at peace RE:Q1 fins rega | 05/20/2019 8:03:48 AM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | I sincerely hope you achieve your g (1) | 05/19/2019 2:04:58 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | If leadership in the Ambassador Pro | 05/19/2019 1:56:45 PM |
ZRFY Zerify Inc | Gap financing was done by the minor | 05/19/2019 1:51:05 PM |