QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Asking .12 at 6:37 am Any thoughts? | 12/18/2020 7:38:14 AM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | With another lab like Biolab IMO th | 12/18/2020 6:22:36 AM |
BIEL BioElectronics Corporation | Your spot on with the marketing...r (1) | 12/17/2020 8:25:18 AM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Another new hire thanks to iporos o | 12/17/2020 8:19:55 AM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Big sell just hit most likely cold (1) | 12/15/2020 3:13:04 PM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | K&L Gates LLP final mandate issued. | 12/15/2020 8:58:42 AM |
BIEL BioElectronics Corporation | Great timing should generate volume | 12/15/2020 8:50:58 AM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Your spot on with the website updat | 12/15/2020 7:50:05 AM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Likely we are in the test & trust m | 12/15/2020 7:46:10 AM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | I believe we are now linked to unan | 12/15/2020 7:39:19 AM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Quantum Dot players and forecast... | 12/14/2020 4:25:10 PM |
UEEC United Ecoenergy Corp. | 267,709 shares traded at 2:17 PPS 1 | 12/14/2020 3:20:03 PM |
BIEL BioElectronics Corporation | Thanks for your posts and I am righ (1) | 12/13/2020 11:14:31 AM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | JMO Innova is rolling out test kits | 12/13/2020 8:49:23 AM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Breaking the chain is key! Overall | 12/13/2020 7:30:19 AM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Breaking the chianis key! Overall s | 12/13/2020 7:25:27 AM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Another article I read said Heathro | 12/12/2020 10:35:35 AM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Testing is here for the long haul.. | 12/12/2020 8:10:24 AM |
UEEC United Ecoenergy Corp. | FWIW my etrade ask price now shows | 12/11/2020 5:12:59 PM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | For all we know Quantum may have mo | 12/10/2020 12:46:47 PM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Jaydee run along to the other board | 12/10/2020 7:15:51 AM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Go Quantum, go attorney Michael Mim | 12/09/2020 10:33:36 AM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Magic is in the quantum dot gold na | 12/08/2020 3:38:30 PM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Not to totally disagree but there w | 12/07/2020 6:16:07 PM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | 20 million trading day+ coming soon | 12/07/2020 3:03:50 PM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | So why the f is the FDA taking so l | 12/07/2020 2:10:06 PM |
UEEC United Ecoenergy Corp. | This was total bullshit manipulatio | 12/07/2020 12:45:51 PM |
UEEC United Ecoenergy Corp. | Looks like shorts are trying to dri | 12/07/2020 12:23:57 PM |
VSPC Viaspace Inc | Looks like VSPC is headed up like o | 12/07/2020 12:03:55 PM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Then my question is why a second va | 12/07/2020 11:01:59 AM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Can't disagree with that and would (1) | 12/05/2020 3:38:07 PM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Can't disagree with that and would | 12/05/2020 3:08:20 PM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Thats fine no ill will toward any! | 12/04/2020 2:56:48 PM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | I believe you are incorrect or at b | 12/04/2020 12:49:10 PM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | One year from today we will reflect | 12/04/2020 9:59:37 AM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | How far have we com? Stephen Squire (1) | 12/03/2020 4:35:15 PM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Fake covid tests and testing sites | 12/03/2020 2:36:25 PM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Just looked into my crystal ball an | 12/02/2020 4:34:19 PM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Well I can agree and not agree. I a | 12/02/2020 1:11:13 PM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | One sentence! Kudos to Trevorbc for | 12/01/2020 3:27:31 PM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | And yet we do not have any data of | 12/01/2020 6:01:36 AM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | This may not actually be the Innova | 11/30/2020 4:00:01 PM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Virgin airlines has tried and teste | 11/28/2020 3:40:43 PM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Cheap, accessible testing at all ai (1) | 11/28/2020 6:31:33 AM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Thanks to Puravida $ Crunch for the (2) | 11/28/2020 4:54:12 AM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Where there is one there are more t | 11/27/2020 11:07:52 AM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Your correct airline travel restric (1) | 11/27/2020 7:46:46 AM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | QDX HealthID is growing by the mill | 11/27/2020 6:31:29 AM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | We haven't seen anything yet! If yo | 11/26/2020 7:51:23 AM |
QTMM Quantum Materials Corp. | Many buyers and believers in the co | 11/25/2020 3:45:01 PM |