NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | Good point. Regardless, while I'm n (5) | 08/06/2017 5:50:53 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | I wish DF and IR did not make those (11) | 08/05/2017 4:53:11 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | Thanks Atlas! It shows they're real (1) | 08/01/2017 2:43:39 AM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | OneBud, now you just made me want t (2) | 07/30/2017 7:32:10 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | If they're doing this, they're prob (15) | 07/30/2017 6:45:31 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | I have held ALL my shares since buy (4) | 07/30/2017 5:22:39 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | Looks like I may need to pick up mo | 07/29/2017 4:17:01 AM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | NTEK shares were definitely on sale (1) | 07/24/2017 5:16:23 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | In any case, NTEK should provide so (4) | 07/24/2017 3:48:50 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | Jazz did you actually talk to them? | 07/24/2017 3:42:39 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | Looks like this week shares may be (2) | 07/23/2017 4:45:11 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | I'm smelling a short squeeze! No wo (2) | 07/21/2017 5:12:31 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | Folks, the way to look at this is N (6) | 07/18/2017 4:30:22 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | At these levels I'm only buying. NO (3) | 07/18/2017 4:26:22 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | Have a quick question: Obviously we (4) | 07/08/2017 11:05:19 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | All, we're in the very early stages (14) | 06/23/2017 5:32:42 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | Day traders think a new company sho (13) | 05/21/2017 6:35:30 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | I will only buy more shares. Keep b | 05/12/2017 1:55:45 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | That's what I've been doing. I pick (1) | 04/28/2017 10:18:57 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | Looks like the shorts are getting r | 01/21/2017 3:24:48 AM |
S Sprint Corporation | I think I will keep my shares anywa | 01/14/2017 7:47:54 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | When it was at .0195 I doubled what (1) | 12/22/2016 2:19:59 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | Thanks to the shorts and MM for bri (3) | 10/14/2016 7:14:24 PM |
NTEK Nanotech Entertainment Inc. | I've been adding shares too, averag (9) | 07/09/2016 9:05:19 PM |