TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | More from Jeff Russian-Trader Membe | 04/20/2017 12:59:20 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | This is hilarious. I really think R | 04/20/2017 12:57:27 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Russian Traders on LIE HUB new sign | 04/20/2017 12:53:50 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I posted this awhile ago on HUB and | 04/19/2017 10:29:31 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I am 100 % confident TDBowieknife f | 04/19/2017 9:36:05 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I understqand his anger and frustra | 04/19/2017 8:37:28 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I think TD resubscribed to LIE UB j | 04/19/2017 7:36:11 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | You gotta love TDBowieknife and his | 04/19/2017 7:08:08 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | This is the lastest from Jeff about | 04/19/2017 4:05:33 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | We need to get Dave from HANG to gi | 04/19/2017 3:51:23 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Againstallodds has one more post to | 04/19/2017 3:50:15 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | You saw Lying TDBOWIEKNIFE getting | 04/19/2017 3:45:05 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | The latest from Against ... They wi | 04/19/2017 3:09:22 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | New investor on HUB asking for info | 04/19/2017 2:50:01 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I only have him off ignore so I can | 04/19/2017 11:01:09 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | The Ruskie even admits with TDBowie | 04/19/2017 10:58:04 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | That Ruskie over on HUB sure is ang | 04/19/2017 12:44:46 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Jeff will be suspended soon enough. | 04/19/2017 12:17:35 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | TD has now posted 20 times on his f | 04/18/2017 10:53:20 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Your limited to one post a day on L (1) | 04/18/2017 10:38:12 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Thank you. The more she receives th | 04/18/2017 4:50:54 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | This is how arrogant that TDBowiekn | 04/18/2017 1:50:41 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Add 175 K traded today to that 2,08 | 04/18/2017 1:25:25 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | My email to Ms Brandt of the SEC. S | 04/18/2017 12:47:22 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Waht a great idea you had who-dat. | 04/18/2017 12:25:49 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Da Nada Senor ' | 04/18/2017 12:14:28 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Como dicen en La Paz Gracias mi ami | 04/18/2017 12:13:07 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Well the post is still up 3 minutes | 04/18/2017 12:09:19 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | This is what I posted on HUB. I'm c | 04/18/2017 12:06:35 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Lead SEC Attorney in the settled ca | 04/18/2017 11:56:23 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Give me a few. I have to find her c | 04/18/2017 11:34:18 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | againstallodds Tuesday, 04/18/17 11 | 04/18/2017 11:33:07 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Russian-Trader Member Level Monday, | 04/17/2017 11:12:40 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | If longs sneeze TD Tiny Dancer will | 04/17/2017 11:04:42 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Bum, you can always answer him here | 04/17/2017 10:12:26 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | DTL for CEO .... lol | 04/17/2017 10:03:59 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Don't you just hate how they silenc | 04/17/2017 10:03:00 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | I hope the girls keep bashing. The | 04/17/2017 8:29:54 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | 350 M Illegal Short Shares it could (1) | 04/17/2017 8:13:04 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | LOL Boilerfan ... I don't think his | 04/17/2017 5:53:30 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Well it was at .0005 for a bit, but | 04/17/2017 4:12:54 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | HAven't seen .0005 in a very long t | 04/17/2017 4:09:10 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Correcto mendo ..... Only the BOD c | 04/17/2017 2:15:22 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | That idiot ? It is great for us the | 04/17/2017 2:11:45 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | HUB has even joind the Tiny Dancer | 04/17/2017 1:42:06 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Everyone on HUB is a basher except | 04/17/2017 1:40:01 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | That's the best they to use against | 04/17/2017 12:44:27 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | new Basher on the board guys trying | 04/17/2017 10:24:55 AM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | Our best warrior Dlog posted this o | 04/16/2017 2:37:21 PM |
TECO Treaty Energy Corporation | The power of honesty and patience w | 04/16/2017 2:07:39 PM |