FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | Briggy and Nit_Wit are at it again. | 07/24/2012 3:13:51 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | You hit it right on the head, retir | 07/24/2012 2:45:25 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | I am wondering that a part of share | 07/24/2012 2:15:12 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | I like us to close .0005 today beca | 07/24/2012 2:03:56 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | If the following schedule is right | 07/24/2012 12:56:58 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | this is just sad. I was almost du | 07/24/2012 12:29:14 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | Very quiet. I wonder if that post | 07/24/2012 11:15:27 AM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | If you like very good music from an | 07/23/2012 3:18:51 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | Look at the number of viewers 4 | 07/23/2012 2:52:03 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | This is a sample of a new tube yest | 07/23/2012 1:25:49 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | Yep, it's a big deal as these recor | 07/23/2012 1:08:40 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | This is a sample of a tweet: | 07/23/2012 12:59:38 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | Epitaph Records is now on FT too. | 07/23/2012 12:54:50 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | I feel that MMs will have to double | 07/23/2012 12:16:16 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | Nice to know that they have servera | 07/23/2012 11:54:20 AM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | ETRF is flipping shares he got at . | 07/23/2012 11:36:05 AM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | I think you mentioned to me before | 07/23/2012 11:15:40 AM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | Look like ETRF got shares at .0004 | 07/23/2012 11:13:10 AM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | I totally forgot that FT can make m | 07/23/2012 11:10:19 AM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | Yep, the grip is very tight and the | 07/23/2012 10:58:24 AM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | A lot of new tube on FT during the | 07/23/2012 10:55:47 AM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | Gosh we are back to .0004 soon agai | 07/23/2012 10:40:15 AM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | same here... i supposed to leave on | 07/20/2012 1:58:52 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | As ETRF increased in size at bid .0 | 07/20/2012 11:33:58 AM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | Nope ... I think it's early next we | 07/20/2012 11:25:57 AM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | Did you see how that work on L2? | 07/20/2012 11:01:42 AM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | Volume really drop off the cliff to | 07/20/2012 10:52:31 AM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | Tons of tubes added today... WOW .. | 07/19/2012 11:53:32 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | if F3 has money to pay for up comin | 07/19/2012 9:34:39 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | Look like I am right on with short | 07/19/2012 7:11:01 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | Either that or did it and have PUMA | 07/19/2012 3:48:17 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | What the hell is that .0005 x 2 mil | 07/19/2012 3:44:38 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | Look like whoever this ETRF is he i | 07/19/2012 2:39:37 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | Yep.. that is the way ETRF has been | 07/19/2012 2:24:22 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | Just thinking it out loud. It is | 07/18/2012 3:53:43 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | Someone is pressing hard to get out | 07/18/2012 3:43:30 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | No change in SS Just got this from | 07/18/2012 3:22:40 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | Where is Sawbuckle today? | 07/18/2012 2:19:00 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | What do you think of this post on I | 07/18/2012 1:45:08 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | yep.. we have that and we have shor | 07/18/2012 12:36:35 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | at this rate we could volume near t | 07/18/2012 12:22:30 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | sure is... someone really want this | 07/18/2012 11:44:05 AM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | NITE is known as the short guy, you | 07/18/2012 11:12:38 AM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | A lot of tubes got added since last | 07/18/2012 10:33:04 AM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | Watching L2 and T&S, NITE is de | 07/18/2012 10:14:23 AM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | what do you mean? | 07/18/2012 9:33:18 AM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | sometimes they just short it regard | 07/18/2012 9:30:36 AM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | Iron, could you post short selling | 07/17/2012 6:57:25 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | Still a lot of short selling today. | 07/17/2012 6:48:54 PM |
FTCHQ Farfetch Limited | That sounds good. Of course there | 07/17/2012 4:38:42 PM |