TALK Talkspace Inc. | Some people are speculating that th | 02/04/2016 12:56:29 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Thanks for that! Glad to have you o | 02/04/2016 12:45:33 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Looking at the vol history it seems | 02/04/2016 12:37:55 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Your right. I can't PM over there. | 02/04/2016 12:29:54 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | VNDM moved up to .031? Any thoughts | 02/04/2016 12:23:11 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | I saw a post over there from someon | 02/04/2016 11:55:51 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Horrible! They were an asset to us. | 02/04/2016 11:51:55 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | I can name a few tickers they did t | 02/04/2016 11:48:09 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Yes it is obvious the ticker is sup | 02/04/2016 11:42:57 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | I think people still have sticker s | 02/04/2016 11:40:27 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Sorry Wilma. Was just saying. To me | 02/04/2016 11:37:06 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Good point! Would luv to break into | 02/04/2016 12:25:43 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Cheers to that Mikemike1411 and thu | 02/03/2016 11:52:59 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | So are we still a go with using 1.8 | 02/03/2016 11:47:50 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Best to do both. Read posts from th | 02/03/2016 11:40:40 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Just read a post by benjimane which | 02/03/2016 11:16:58 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Ya we had a cool board over there u | 02/03/2016 11:08:26 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Wilma has done a lot of good analys | 02/03/2016 10:57:58 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | I think they are in bed with the MM | 02/03/2016 10:24:58 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | I saw those posts you made. Good fo | 02/03/2016 10:04:15 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | You can always click on the twitter | 02/03/2016 9:55:21 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Cool! Welcome! | 02/03/2016 9:53:23 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | That would be great. It would be ni | 02/03/2016 9:52:21 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Your post will be deleted in 5 seco | 02/03/2016 9:31:32 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Agreement is written on January 29, | 02/03/2016 9:30:20 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Guess shorty hedged his bets agains | 02/03/2016 9:21:46 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | So fins are half done and will be d | 02/03/2016 9:17:54 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Yes makes complete sense to me also | 02/03/2016 9:13:13 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Ya I expect a really great day. Sad | 02/03/2016 8:27:50 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Oops! I mean O/S not A/S. Sorry! | 02/03/2016 8:06:02 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Sad. I think maybe the filing just | 02/03/2016 7:27:08 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | If the company has about 50 employe | 02/03/2016 6:34:37 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | A/S is still 1.875 bil. The fully d | 02/03/2016 6:22:10 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | I have to admit last nights filing | 02/03/2016 3:53:34 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Pennies to dollars coming! Personal | 02/02/2016 11:03:09 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Just got in and saw some of the pos | 02/02/2016 7:23:50 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Short vol decreasing? http://otcsho | 02/02/2016 11:27:11 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Yes I am bored with this now also. | 02/02/2016 10:01:37 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | I am being realistic. $30+ mil. for | 02/02/2016 9:45:01 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | IMO the company must have given him | 02/02/2016 8:35:09 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | MM manipulation seems to be way out | 02/01/2016 10:54:04 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | You have to hit the continue button | 02/01/2016 3:00:02 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | 15X - 20X is conservative IMO. With | 01/31/2016 12:45:10 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | from Forbes article 10/2014 http:// | 01/31/2016 11:53:39 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | If we use 2014 revs, then we should | 01/31/2016 11:33:36 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Congrats! ps you are always welcome | 01/30/2016 4:37:57 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | I know! I would be totally ecstatic | 01/30/2016 4:37:17 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Ya I hear you! Just wish those iHub | 01/30/2016 4:32:09 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Playing around with the target pps. | 01/29/2016 7:33:17 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Yup I caught that also. Still think | 01/29/2016 7:28:48 PM |