Toronto Venture Most Active Stocks Wednesday, Augu
Post# of 39278
Symbol - Company Name - Std Dev - Last - Change - Percent - High - Low - Time
QST.VN Questor Technology +2.39 0.680 +0.050 +7.94% 0.680 0.680 10:29
CWC.VN Central Alberta Well +2.27 0.800 +0.040 +5.26% 0.800 0.780 13:24
ENW.VN Enwave Corp +2.18 1.630 +0.130 +8.67% 1.630 1.550 12:55
YO.VN Yoho Resources Inc +2.11 2.860 +0.060 +2.14% 2.950 2.750 13:43
VRS.VN Verisante Technology +2.10 0.260 +0.030 +13.04% 0.260 0.230 13:02
GRV.VN Gold Reach Resources +2.09 1.180 +0.140 +13.46% 1.180 1.180 09:30
SSS.VN Stem Cell Therapeuti +2.07 0.475 +0.070 +17.28% 0.495 0.420 13:28
KDI.VN Kennady Diamonds Inc +2.00 3.370 +0.520 +18.25% 3.690 2.800 13:43
KLS.VN Kelso Technologies +1.85 1.380 +0.090 +6.98% 1.380 1.280 13:38
ORC-B.VN Orca Exploration Gro +1.62 2.100 +0.100 +5.00% 2.100 2.000 12:37
M.VN Mosaic Capital Corpo +1.61 8.900 +0.100 +1.14% 8.950 8.900 13:33
WEE.VN Wavefront Technology +1.52 0.320 +0.020 +6.67% 0.320 0.300 13:28
CMM.VN Castle Mountain Mini +1.44 0.300 +0.050 +20.00% 0.300 0.300 10:16
NXX.VN Nordex Explosives +1.43 0.475 +0.025 +5.56% 0.475 0.430 13:19
GNF.VN Greenfields Petroleu +1.42 3.200 +0.200 +6.67% 3.200 3.200 12:06
PRY.VN Pinecrest Energy Inc +1.38 0.630 +0.020 +3.28% 0.640 0.610 13:15
SMU-UN.VN Summit Industrial +1.30 5.700 +0.150 +2.70% 5.700 5.580 13:19
RGX.VN Argex Mining Inc. +1.21 0.960 +0.030 +3.23% 0.990 0.960 11:53
GQ.VN Great Quest Metals +1.21 0.710 +0.050 +7.58% 0.710 0.660 11:15
BTI.VN Bioasis Technologies +1.12 1.000 +0.050 +5.26% 1.000 0.980 09:47
SJR-A.VN Shaw Communications +1.00 26.850 +1.140 +4.43% 26.960 26.850 10:54
ZNN.VN Zenn Motor Company +0.95 0.860 +0.030 +3.61% 0.900 0.840 12:28
RX.VN Biosyent Inc. +0.95 1.700 +0.050 +3.03% 1.700 1.650 12:39
KTN.VN Kootenay Gold Inc. +0.88 0.640 +0.020 +3.23% 0.700 0.540 09:45
BRN-PR-A.VN Brookfield Investmen +0.87 25.250 +0.050 +0.20% 25.250 25.250 10:33
WAN.VN Wanted Technologies +0.86 0.540 +0.020 +3.85% 0.540 0.530 13:24
TNC.VN Tio Networks Corp. +0.82 0.360 +0.020 +5.88% 0.390 0.360 13:11
AOT.VN Ascot Resources Ltd. +0.82 0.670 +0.040 +6.35% 0.670 0.670 11:33
SLG.VN Sterling Resources +0.79 0.760 +0.010 +1.33% 0.760 0.750 13:36
UMF-A.VN Starlight US Multi +0.78 9.850 +0.350 +3.68% 9.850 9.850 12:38
ORG.VN Orca Gold Inc +0.76 0.450 +0.020 +4.65% 0.450 0.420 10:43
ATC.VN Atac Resources Ltd. +0.75 1.120 +0.050 +4.67% 1.120 1.070 13:40
NES.VN Newstrike Capital +0.69 0.880 +0.020 +2.33% 0.890 0.840 11:39
MVW.VN Mountainview Energy +0.68 0.500 +0.020 +4.17% 0.500 0.500 13:25
ENA.VN Enablence Technologi +0.64 0.295 +0.015 +5.36% 0.340 0.295 12:36
LVL.VN Lynden Energy Corp. +0.62 0.880 +0.020 +2.33% 0.890 0.860 13:39
UCU.VN Ucore Rare Metals +0.61 0.300 +0.010 +3.45% 0.325 0.295 12:08
CTH.VN Cynapsus Therapeutic +0.52 0.475 +0.015 +3.26% 0.500 0.440 13:41
PRB.VN Probe Mines Ltd. +0.49 1.770 +0.040 +2.31% 1.770 1.750 13:15
SNM.VN Shamaran Petroleum +0.49 0.410 +0.005 +1.23% 0.410 0.400 13:42
M-PR-A.VN Mosaic Capital Corp +0.40 11.590 +0.040 +0.35% 11.590 11.590 12:04
BCM.VN Bear Creek Mining +0.39 1.700 +0.040 +2.41% 1.710 1.680 13:19
TRA.VN Teras Resources Inc +0.39 0.450 +0.010 +2.27% 0.450 0.450 13:25
TK.VN Tinka Resources Ltd +0.38 0.740 +0.010 +1.37% 0.740 0.730 10:54
MMT.VN Mart Resources Inc +0.37 1.480 unch unch 1.500 1.480 13:39
SMD.VN Strategic Metals Ltd +0.36 0.400 +0.005 +1.27% 0.400 0.390 13:06
CNX.VN Callinex Mines Inc +0.33 0.290 +0.010 +3.57% 0.290 0.290 09:30
TXR.VN Terrax Minerals Inc. +0.33 0.270 +0.015 +5.88% 0.270 0.250 12:37
RMC.VN Reservoir Minerals +0.29 3.320 +0.060 +1.84% 3.320 3.200 13:35
NXT.VN Natcore Technology +0.29 0.640 +0.010 +1.59% 0.660 0.630 13:00
LRA.VN Lara Exploration Ltd +0.28 0.870 +0.010 +1.16% 0.940 0.870 13:09
PNE.VN Pine Cliff Energy +0.28 1.020 +0.010 +0.99% 1.020 1.020 09:30
EGD.VN Energold Drilling +0.28 1.650 +0.020 +1.23% 1.650 1.580 13:13
OLY.VN Olympia Financial +0.26 40.400 +0.150 +0.37% 40.400 40.400 12:58
BKM.VN Pacific Booker Miner +0.25 4.700 +0.080 +1.73% 5.050 4.680 12:16
LCC.VN Lumina Copper Corp. +0.21 4.700 +0.020 +0.43% 4.750 4.700 13:04
MRZ.VN Mirasol Resources +0.21 1.360 +0.010 +0.74% 1.380 1.360 13:20
MEI.VN Manitok Energy Inc. +0.19 2.630 unch unch 2.650 2.620 13:35
KLH.VN Stellar Biotechnolog +0.16 1.020 unch unch 1.040 1.000 13:40
DSY.VN Destiny Media Techno +0.15 2.670 -0.030 -1.11% 2.780 2.600 13:40
PEO.VN People Corporation +0.11 1.200 +0.010 +0.84% 1.200 1.140 11:58
GRB.VN Greenbriar Capital unch 3.000 unch unch 3.020 3.000 12:02
EPZ.VN Esperanza Resources unch 0.890 unch unch 0.890 0.890 13:09
LOY.VN Loyalist Group Limit unch 0.680 unch unch 0.690 0.670 12:45
RFC.VN Rifco Inc. unch 4.650 unch unch 4.650 4.650 10:51
NCI.VN Ntg Clarity Networks unch 0.365 unch unch 0.375 0.345 13:15
PM.VN Prism Medical Ltd. unch 5.250 unch unch 5.250 5.250 09:30
WCQ.VN Wcqca unch 0.400 unch unch 0.400 0.400 12:35
HYX.VN Hyperion Exploration unch 0.400 unch unch 0.400 0.400 13:25
ARN.VN Arcan Resources Ltd. unch 0.440 +0.020 +4.76% 0.440 0.420 13:42
BOZ.VN Banks Island Gold unch 0.580 unch unch 0.600 0.580 09:50
EW.VN East West Petroleum unch 0.270 unch unch 0.270 0.270 13:36
SKO.VN Stream Oil And Gas unch 0.550 unch unch 0.550 0.550 09:30
NFX.VN Nexgen Financial Cor unch 4.850 unch unch 4.850 4.850 12:33
SYZ.VN Sylogist Ltd unch 6.670 -0.080 -1.19% 6.900 6.670 13:32
WGI.VN Wheels Group Inc unch 0.850 unch unch 0.920 0.850 13:25
ARW.VN Aroway Energy Inc unch 0.310 unch unch 0.310 0.305 13:25
CSX.VN Clean Seed Capital unch 0.300 unch unch 0.300 0.300 09:33
SOG.VN Strategic Oil unch 1.040 unch unch 1.060 1.020 13:13
TMD.VN Titan Medical Inc. unch 0.580 unch unch 0.580 0.570 12:44
AFF.VN Afferro Mining Inc unch 1.280 unch unch 1.280 1.280 09:50
FPC.VN Falco Pacific Resour unch 0.260 unch unch 0.260 0.260 11:02
OYL.VN Cgx Energy Inc. unch 0.860 unch unch 0.870 0.830 12:40
ATY.VN Atico Mining Corpora unch 0.470 unch unch 0.470 0.470 11:42
ACE-H.VN Ace Aviation Holding unch 3.780 unch unch 3.780 3.780 13:04
WZR.VN Westernzagros Resour unch 1.510 unch unch 1.540 1.490 13:43
GSV.VN Gold Standard Ventur unch 0.620 unch unch 0.630 0.600 11:42
MQL.VN Marquee Energy Ltd unch 0.510 -0.010 -1.92% 0.550 0.510 13:35
SRX.VN Storm Resources Ltd unch 3.000 unch unch 3.000 2.990 13:40
ENT-DB.VN Entrec Corporation unch 101.000 unch unch 101.000 101.000 11:49
TPN.VN Taipan Resources Inc unch 0.275 unch unch 0.280 0.260 13:25
RPL.VN Renegade Petroleum unch 1.180 unch unch 1.210 1.180 13:34
DMA.VN Diamedica Inc. unch 1.120 unch unch 1.120 1.110 12:23
HRP.VN Hrt Participacoes unch 0.365 unch unch 0.380 0.360 13:23
ENT.VN Entrec Transporation unch 1.550 -0.020 -1.27% 1.600 1.530 13:44
AUN.VN Aurcana Corporation unch 1.930 unch unch 1.990 1.850 13:28
HRN.VN Horn Petroleum Corpo unch 0.260 unch unch 0.270 0.240 10:25
PTK.VN Poet Technologies unch 0.480 unch unch 0.485 0.470 11:58
XEL.VN Xcite Energy Limited unch 1.690 unch unch 1.690 1.690 09:50
PXL.VN Palliser Oil And Gas unch 0.580 unch unch 0.600 0.580 10:30