Bellybuds Shark Tank 11-8-2013
Post# of 287
About Bellybuds
Baby-Bump Sound System
Company Overview
Your Baby is Listening.
Buy Bellybuds Today!
A baby’s hearing is fully developed in the womb at 20 weeks and memories begin at 30 weeks – Bellybuds offer parents a means to deliver audio stimulation to their developing child to start creating those memories now. The custom speakers gently adhere to the belly and safely play music, soothing sounds or even loving voice messages from family and friends directly to the womb. Easy-to-use and portable, they are wearable anywhere, anytime!
More From Shark Tank:
More and more parents-to-be are playing music to soothe, share and bond with their baby in the womb. For that purpose, Bellybuds are ideal – and it doesn’t end there…
• Moms with Breech Babies are playing music to help turn the baby
• Military Moms are playing recorded messages from husbands overseas
• Grandparents are singing and sending lullabies to share their excitement
• OB/GYNS are using Bellybuds to help capture the perfect ultrasound picture
• Surrogacy/Adopting Couples are familiarizing their baby-to-be with their voices
A baby's hearing develops in utero at about 20 weeks. Memories begin at 30. Bellybuds is a specialized speaker system that gently adheres to your belly & safely plays memory-shaping sound directly to the womb.
Whether it's a soothing tune or a bond-forming voice message from a long-distance loved one, Bellybuds is a safe & effective first step in connecting with your soon-to-be bundle of joy.
Easy-to-use and good-on-the-go, Bellybuds works anywhere, anytime!
I am the Owner/Admin of Investors Hangout and do not trades stocks!
Just doing what I do best, music and coding. I like Honeypots.