Another thing about these LLC's. They were created by a lawyer. I know lawyers reputations are right up there with used car dealers. But consider this-lawyers do care about their licenses-no license -no practice. They wont do something stupid to kill the golden egg.
So if a regular guy like Bob comes in to do a LLC for fraudulent purposes the lawyer will flat out tell them "no deal".
And, as in all things legal, anything that is done for a fraudulent purpose can and will be declared null and void.
Some are preying for profit on the social demographic of a typical penny trader who may not be familiar w these otherwise common instruments.
E.g my best friend who got me into pennies had a business and he put his home in an LLC which named a trustee because there has to be a trustee to manage the assets in an LLC.
So Bob and his wife put their shares in one LLC and Bobs daughter Emily will put her shares in another LLC and since she trusts her dad will name her dad as the trustee.
Those who make a profit from a pps fall caricature these things and try to make out the management of every company they are shorting to be the antichrist or the reincarnation of hitler.
But they are real people with real relationships just like you-so I hope people recognize why those who profit from a pps fall try to turn them into unrecognizable alien ogres at the expense of everybody else-isnt that fraud?