Charles Schwab 8.95, Etrade 9.95, Fidelity-I know the last 2 will not accept a transfer of CWRN shares because I tried to transfer shares to them last fall (2 people were able to but Fidelity told me that was a mistake and I talked to ca 8 different people at Fidelity) and couldnt find any broker who would accept transfer-so I've been waiting for the uplisting to OTCBB promised by the May 26 2011 PR.
Or at least removal of broker restrictions via current filed financials. Once the settlement w sec that has apparently been in the works since June (see postings at that time) is finished they may be free to move forward w these things-I dont think that would take much longer but I cant guarantee anything.
A good place to check out brokers is
Some of the brokers, including cheap ones like "just to trade", have extra fees for penny stocks but the 3 mentioned above do not.