Most MMTE investors are just waiting now to hear about the massive R/S William has planned. Some demented souls are actually looking forward to this reverse split, with the misguided notion that share prices will increase so they can sell to some unsuspecting sucker.
Lets consider this notion for a moment. Say investors purchased MMTE shares for an average of .0001 per share (most still own shares from a period when MMTE shares were higher). This means the purchase of one million shares cost roughly $100 plus commission. Now, consider a R/S of just 1000 to 1.
1,000,000 / 1000 = 1000 This means one would need a share price of ten cents just to break even, and that does not include the commission charge for both buying and selling. To recoup all costs, one would need a share price of around .12 per share. I don't think this is likely unless the R/S was much greater than 1000 to 1.
Now lets consider the .75 cents Rocky claims is realistic. To arrive at the same break even point, William would need to execute a R/S equal to around 6,250 to 1, and this means a million shares would convert to only 160 shares. I suspect most investors are bright enough to see the problem.