Two dollars worth of "shares" "trading" down 33% in a day will not deter those few long term holders in SFIO leftover from 98%+ paper losses over the last year of whom will always have hope that some management team and/or some group of investors could recognize the potential for the "RE/AL" product and pull this company out of the gutter and get it up and running. The market cap of the company is now basically priced at a mere $100,000 which is laughable in my opinion. Those holders who had real settled shares after the lock on July 1 2011 and who did not choose to sell at the intraday high of $0.03 on July 5th 2011 when Fidelity was seemingly frantically buying shares in the market in order to deliver real shares to their clients who supposedly bought shares, are likely not going to sell at $0.0003 or any other price level below the PPS they already chose to not sell at previously. The only fundamental change in the business we know since that time has been the alleged sale of the Belgium subsidiary for $1.1M though since then we have heard nothing more from the company. Furthermore, the number of shares which have allegedly "traded" (likely shuffled from one ex-clearing arrangement to another) since then has been less than the number of shares traded on July 5th 2011 which represents less than 5% of the shares in the company. Since the lock the PPS has moved down over 90% on these kinds of trades, $2, $0.80, $5, $1, etc. Who are these market participants think they are fooling? LOL
I myself will never sell my shares simply so that I can see my SFIO shares sitting in my account for all time just as a constant reminder of how crony the market is and how the DTC can pull the rug out from under all investors and traders at any time they wish. They have created a situation in the market whereby it pays to commit crime. For example, if a crony firm wishes to make a lot of money and get away with it, they can simply open up an overseas hedge fund, maybe in the Cayman Islands or Malta, and buy a chunk of shares for purposes of dumping, manipulate the stock up high temporarily to attract PK traders and flippers and then massively legit short and naked short sell at the top and keep doing it while they dump their inventory of real shares all the way down to the "cellar" and cover the few legit shorts low and they only lose a small amount of money on the losses from the sale of their real inventory, make a boat load on the legit shorts and make a killing on the counterfiet shares they sold for 100% profits from the proceeds from retail traders and investors. They never have to cover those naked shorts because in the illegal act of creating such chaos in the market, they know the good 'ol DTCC will come in and place a global lock on the stock so that no market participants (those who are typically law abiding) can trade the stock. Then they close up shop and move on to the next scam. It even helps them out to hire some paid bashers on "other" boards so they can manipulate sentiment 24/7 (literally) for their benefit. All the while long term loyal investors have zero liquidity and 90%+ unrealized losses. Sure there are other actors involved of whom played a role in causing legal problems for the company in the first place, but the status of the stock is not likely to be a direct cause of their illegal actions. It is likely that at least a part of the reason for the current sad state of affairs for the stock is caused by the crony market manipulators. Sure it would be nice to prove once and for all there was massive naked short selling but alas there is no way without FTD data and short figures from FINRA. Where did the daily short sale numbers and the failure to deliver metrics go for the settlement dates of June 30 2011 and July 1 2011???!!!!! Hmmmmm?!! Midnight paper shredding session? Well perhaps someday the Freedom of Information act will be invoked so the rabble with pitchforks can learn what really happened to the stock they bought and/or were holding, or at least thought they had bought and thought they were "holding". TIC TOC