Agreed, TopDog. Perhaps Mr Wang, Roth and others could develop some kind of new design and push for a patent once again. This is a device manufacturing company so even if they do not go the route of mass production with marketing and direct sales, if they were just to create new prototypes and get other ecig companies to use their product, with patents and decent corp to corp contracts, they could at least become a viable entity. I think its still all very possible, but they must get corp funding to move forward, which is rather difficult to impossible without a freely trading stock. The DTC has effectively single-handedly squashed the American dream for this company by shutting them out of the capital markets. We shareholders are led to believe it is because the DTC thinks the company is a fraud allegedly because of the small mistake the ex-CEO made years ago, but me thinks the real reason is a bit more complicated.
Actually, the SEC had included the corporate entity in the original litigation just for good measure and due diligence and as of over a year ago, the corporate entity has entirely resolved the litigation and has no further problems or active or pending legal issues yet to be resolved, therefore I see no reason, no reason at all for the DTC to continue to keep the stock in a global lock. The DTC has never provided ANY reason or answers for their actions, so it seems highly suspicious in my opinion. Are they protecting investors? How is that being accomplished? The stock continues to "trade" and has "traded" for years ever since the global lock. In fact the phony "trading" has seen the PPS drop from 2 cents down to $0.0004 on less than 2% of the float worth of shares! Some investors have margin accounts which can easily get into problems when one of the holdings priced investment value drops to basically zero. How is allowing a few crony MMs and brokerages shuffling a few shares back and forth for a year supposed to "protect investors"??!! I suppose, if they think the company is a total scam then they think they are protecting potential future buyers of the stock from this possibility but is it not up to the public "free" market to decide such things??!! When did the DTC, a private company, take over the "free" market and decide unilaterally which companies are scams and which are not, which corporate entities can survive and which will be made to fail?! I think there is more to the story than what has been revealed so far and what the powers that be have meant us to know. From the lack of action by the SEC, it seems apparant that the SEC is spineless and ineffective as a regulating body and has completely turned over power to a private company, the DTC to effectively self-regulate and allow them alone to decide which companies to kill and which companies to shut out from the capital markets, based on their own decisions which often have conflicts of interest because the entity itself basically consists of all of the brokerages and brokers who themself take positional bets long/short in the stocks, often massively shorting or faiing to deliver half the float worth of stock to their retail clients. Talk about letting the Fox guard the henhouse!!! Tsk tsk tsk