So glad to discover your thread Master Yoda : )
I used to read you with delight on the other board, before the "apocalypse", and always admired your well articulated musings. You still manage to rise above the usual merry-go-round afflicting too many shareholders. Your posts offer substance and a refreshing perspective with, as far as I can tell, a tiny glimmer of hope.
Sifting through the nuggets of information you provided over time leads me to think that patience might eventually pay off. Lets hope that it won't be seven years - like that company you mentioned that had their lock lifted. Unfortunately, we can't afford to wait this long. With all the changes occurring in the marijuana sphere, new portable vaporizing devices are being developed. It won't be long before another smokeless product lands on the market. Time is of the essence and it may be the wake up call that is needed with SFIO. Patience alone won't do it. Recriminations either. Action is what is required to avoid missing this very lucrative boat.
The process of trading certificates for new ones, as described in one of your posts, can be done. It's a very sensible option. It would get us on fresh footing, ready for action.
Hiring pronto the brilliant team of lawyers you mentioned earlier - i.e. the guys who successfully had a lock lifted - would radically change our odds.
Pursuing the granting of a US Patent with renewed vigour is also essential. According to Ballbag, who kindly replied in details over there to one of my questions, the US Patent process would require 3 years and $10,000. That money can be found once we are unlocked.
How can we get the ball rolling? (Someone suggested a class action... I don't know anything about such a course of action. Do you?) The last echoes we heard from our management were so underwhelming. What alternative(s) do we have?
SFIO used to be described as a no brainer. Isn't it time to get our brains together?