very little on that smb is as it appears
if one wants to one can source another complaint
written by said former sec employee and do a basic
*quality* comparison >> they will discover there is none
what the actual connections are between the parties
.. . i don't know .. what i do know is that i recorded
the trading data on 1.4.12 and duly noted who *posted*
the sec's complaint and even more revealing to me is who
*descended* en masse on the board after said post .. this pattern isn't new nor unique to JBI ..
there is far more there .. but bottom line is vindication across multiple levels *imo* comes in 2013
as for *aliases* >> don't be fooled >> many of them are interchangeable >> proof >> one of my
early stalkers (2007) >> had the ability to spell the possessive form of their *3 weeks of the month*
4th week's *replacement* >> CONsistently spelled it thier .. month in and month out .. until of course
i pointed it out .. by the end of 2007 .. i was a *target* and stalked by approx 50 *entities* ..
there is also more *there* >> but bottom line is if folks don't believe there is something *more* to this
that is their choice .. i know better because it's happened b4 .. only that legit OTC co. (subject of
extreme harassment across multiple levels) became a victim rather than a survivor