Hard proof? 99% of what is posted here and on ihub can be considered what you refer to as hearsay, but that does not necessarily mean its false: not everything can be verified on the internet between anonymous internet posters you know.
now to add some fuel to the fire: I know for fact that gerard mooney(scion) had been in close contact(long before the wells notice or suit was instigated) with the recently fired sec employee who initiated the suit against jbi
I know for fact that after gerard developed a relationship with her he fed her constant "reports" about the goings-on with john and jbi: all negative and distorted of course. He persisted to the point that he gained influence with her and was able to help "guide" her in her dealings with john and her ultimate decision to not settle with him and instead instigate the suit.
His influence even stretched to the wording of the suit. He led her down this path via distorted truths and manipulation -- and we all know that this was not his first "dance": he has been in court before has he not?
Why does he do it? I will let you and others answer that obvious question.
Now: will I verify this to you and all the other posters here? NO. But, that doest make any of the above any less true.