Sorry Guys, I don't have time to read talking points and such at the moment, but I thought I'd bring you the headlines from three separate business wires today. All very good news, I suppose, if you don't know much about econ and business like the socialist (that's not name calling, it's a fact) in charge. Oh, but don't blame me, as I'm just bringing facts to you, not talking points along with copy and pastes. After all, the IS the Obama Economic Plan for fundamental change of the US. He promised it, he's executing it, he's delivering it, and he's very proud of it. I would stick on LMAO here now, but there's nothing funny about spending us into bankruptcy faster than all the previous Presidents...... combined! But since blaming it all on Bush and everyone but himself, I'll just drop by once in a while and share the REAL numbers and not talking points. You all have a great Friday and weekend! The beach is calling me!!
Durable Goods for August - Down 13.2%....... Yes, he's right, great news. He's on track he says.
Pending Home Sales in August - Down 2.6%... Yes, more wonderful news for his program he says.
Home Foreclosure for Q2 - Up 5.5% to another 302,636.... Yes, doing great. But exactly what he's executing.
Growth for Q2 - Cut to 1.2% growth. Yes, exactly what his policies are doing.
Highest Business Failures since early 2002..... Again, right on track for Change
Ok, so since the above is what he's doing and the left is almost 100% behind this fundamental change, ummmm, am I supposed to applaud this great accomplishment?!