I'm curious green, the SEC is the regulatory and governing body who issued the suspension. They are overseeing the investigation. If and when KMAG provides the appropriate documentation and vindicate themselves and/or provide information that exonerates themselves from any wrong-doing, why then would you think, or anyone else for that matter, would the SEC not be able to lift its injunction. That would seem extraordinarily unfair to KMAG to have to file a 211 an d get FINRA approval and have an MM sponsor them IF they proved themselves right.
Remember, Jeff already PR'ed into the SEC investigation, with their eyes on it, that he stands by his numbers. That's placing his neck firmly in the noose to back it up. He has begun that process as far as I can tell. So why can the regulatory and governing body not lift the penalty and allow KMAG back to its former status? Just wondering if guilty stays condemned and the punishment remains after being proven innocent? In other words, why can the regulatory committee not simply reinstate after satisfactory review?