It is Still DILUTION...No matter how you try to spin it!
If the Company sold is Now cut Up into 724,309,475 parts...instead of 609,420,100
That just offset any gains!!
Jeff keeps diluting to keep debt off the books and dumping the expenses on the shareholders...While he lines his pockets!!.....He takes income both from the rev generation and dumping debt into the O/s....Where we get diluted!!
What ever the 114,889,375 shares converted @....That is what Jeff Just Skimmed off the Top!
Jeff does not really want audited fins until he skims enough, bc once audited....we'll see the $$ trail!!
Someone should be looking for a filing for the A/S increase or Expect a R/S in the coming month or Expect a $10 mill plus contract to be Pr's..bc ..if KMAG has to get over 0.10 ...the R/S or the Big Contract ..will have to come about!