26854 |
It was explained in a CC. And Generex has a (2) |
rjs9787 |
02/22/2021 5:21:51 PM |
26853 |
That PR and $2.50 will get you a ride on the NYC (2) |
Pokey123 |
02/22/2021 4:55:15 PM |
26852 |
1:19:20 (1) |
rjs9787 |
02/22/2021 4:18:28 PM |
26851 |
Well, they signed following deal back in Sept: |
hylander |
02/22/2021 3:57:56 PM |
26850 |
Id venture a guess that they have not taken (2) |
Pokey123 |
02/22/2021 3:52:20 PM |
26849 |
Does anyone have an idea if Arizona is generating |
hylander |
02/22/2021 3:03:43 PM |
26848 |
I totally agree. The posts belong on the CYDY (1) |
rjs9787 |
02/22/2021 2:52:50 PM |
26847 |
Would be great to see GNBT already have variants (3) |
pacsurg21 |
02/22/2021 2:38:20 PM |
26846 |
I believe this is welcome news to GNBT... |
pacsurg21 |
02/22/2021 2:27:50 PM |
26845 |
We got a mention #keyplayer (6) |
Beasley |
02/22/2021 1:34:37 PM |
26844 |
Haha no need to apologize my friend. I understand (4) |
Vrsi |
02/22/2021 1:20:30 PM |
26843 |
Yes - and I apologize. On the other hand, there |
skipper1072 |
02/22/2021 1:11:51 PM |
26842 |
LOL. Yes, let's hope Generex/NGIO fixes that (2) |
docj |
02/22/2021 1:11:20 PM |
26841 |
For a GNBT board, we sure do talk about cydy (5) |
Vrsi |
02/22/2021 1:07:31 PM |
26840 |
0/T - just messaged CYDY to see if eINDs for (2) |
skipper1072 |
02/22/2021 12:45:05 PM |
26839 |
I would love to see a PR that the data was sent (1) |
balleroni |
02/22/2021 12:13:02 PM |
26838 |
You are singing in my choir Doc. Now if only the (1) |
Assiduous |
02/22/2021 11:46:06 AM |
26837 |
Doc, concerning GNBT / NGIO, from past tests, the |
hylander |
02/22/2021 11:41:40 AM |
26836 |
Yep. I don't disagree about the potential CYDY (1) |
docj |
02/22/2021 11:31:05 AM |
26835 |
Doc, Never looked at CYDY until today. So I took (3) |
Assiduous |
02/22/2021 10:23:01 AM |
26834 |
Not off to a good start for the open. Here's |
hylander |
02/22/2021 10:11:27 AM |
26833 |
Re: CYDY, don't know why if you met your primary (1) |
docj |
02/22/2021 6:43:59 AM |
26832 |
OT for those following CYDY: CytoDyn expects to (1) |
docj |
02/22/2021 6:13:57 AM |
26831 |
It's been several hours now and my arm is just a (3) |
OrlandoJohn |
02/21/2021 11:07:55 PM |
26830 |
Good luck OJ. I get Moderna #2 on Tuesday. |
Cody760 |
02/21/2021 8:15:20 PM |
26829 |
Hope all is well Orlando :) |
hylander |
02/21/2021 7:04:34 PM |
26828 |
Members need to understand this board was created (6) |
docj |
02/21/2021 6:36:08 PM |
26827 |
Well, I had my second Moderna vaccine today. So (3) |
OrlandoJohn |
02/21/2021 6:30:25 PM |
26826 |
Guaranteed I will NEVER read your posts (1) |
Retirement2 |
02/21/2021 6:11:28 PM |
26824 |
And by the way I know this from my own personal |
Retirement2 |
02/21/2021 5:21:32 PM |
26823 |
OK.....this board knows that you are upset.....I (3) |
Retirement2 |
02/21/2021 5:15:48 PM |
26822 |
I want to also add this from the transcript which (3) |
hylander |
02/21/2021 5:13:56 PM |
26820 |
When did the 21st century start? 12:00am January (2) |
Assiduous |
02/21/2021 3:30:19 PM |
26819 |
One thing everyone needs to read in the (1) |
hylander |
02/21/2021 2:55:06 PM |
26818 |
This is my last post in regards to the 7 to 10 (1) |
Retirement2 |
02/21/2021 2:48:47 PM |
26817 |
Hoomer, he saying you will get the results as he (5) |
rjs9787 |
02/21/2021 2:38:54 PM |
26815 |
I do agree though that things are moving along |
hylander |
02/21/2021 2:16:37 PM |
26814 |
no offense RJ, but you totally ignored what I |
hylander |
02/21/2021 2:03:30 PM |
26813 |
Hylander, Joe has said on the CC and here that we (3) |
rjs9787 |
02/21/2021 2:00:05 PM |
26812 |
I still want to know how the business in Arizona |
hylander |
02/21/2021 1:47:40 PM |
26811 |
All the back and forth the last 24 hours (2) |
Cody760 |
02/21/2021 1:16:33 PM |
26810 |
RJ, this will be the last I will say on the (5) |
hylander |
02/21/2021 1:15:40 PM |
26809 |
I don't think anybody would complain about (3) |
rjs9787 |
02/21/2021 12:46:40 PM |
26808 |
Thanks for participating here, MMPJoe, and thanks (5) |
hoops |
02/21/2021 12:27:10 PM |
26807 |
Personally, I think last night (posts) was (4) |
Assiduous |
02/21/2021 12:22:44 PM |
26806 |
Before I retired, I had a team of Project (3) |
hylander |
02/21/2021 10:46:28 AM |
26805 |
Unfortunately Science has taken a back seat to |
OrlandoJohn |
02/21/2021 9:32:42 AM |
26804 |
Looking forward to what is ahead. Thanks for (3) |
docj |
02/21/2021 9:06:28 AM |
26803 |
I am sorry, MMPJOE, but the transcript of the CC (6) |
Zolis_onkel |
02/21/2021 2:59:46 AM |
26802 |
I think everyone was expecting news this coming (3) |
hylander |
02/21/2021 2:09:39 AM |