13532 |
Vanguard told me they need a $ value to convert |
tr316 |
02/28/2020 2:02:14 PM |
13531 |
I like to think "outside the box". And with the |
tc2000chartreader |
02/28/2020 2:01:06 PM |
13530 |
doc, how did you get it done so quick? I faxed my |
tc2000chartreader |
02/28/2020 1:59:37 PM |
13529 |
Good news. Who do you trade through? Not that it |
djaparks |
02/28/2020 1:55:48 PM |
13528 |
Yeah, because sadly its statistically most |
bwolfy2002 |
02/28/2020 1:55:16 PM |
13527 |
I was able to move mine from sIRA to a Roth IRA. |
docj |
02/28/2020 1:44:09 PM |
13526 |
And the big advantage we have is that if we take (3) |
Buildit |
02/28/2020 1:20:27 PM |
13525 |
Test Kits!! desparately needed. Come on NuGenerex |
OrlandoJohn |
02/28/2020 1:19:54 PM |
13524 |
Yeah, I think more important in the race is that |
bwolfy2002 |
02/28/2020 1:15:02 PM |
13523 |
Moderna is not, repeat is not, ahead of GNBT on |
Creekrat |
02/28/2020 1:04:53 PM |
13522 |
I think we are all on same (2) |
bwolfy2002 |
02/28/2020 12:21:44 PM |
13521 |
bwolf, creek was talking about the IRA to Roth. (1) |
tc2000chartreader |
02/28/2020 12:20:12 PM |
13520 |
You're right - I get it now. Thought that was too |
Creekrat |
02/28/2020 12:19:15 PM |
13519 |
Unless he meant pre-tax IRA. Maybe we are mixing |
bwolfy2002 |
02/28/2020 12:18:07 PM |
13518 |
Not from an NQ account as he |
bwolfy2002 |
02/28/2020 12:16:45 PM |
13517 |
bwolf, I'll take it! |
tc2000chartreader |
02/28/2020 12:16:37 PM |
13516 |
Creek, a conversion is not a contribution. You |
tc2000chartreader |
02/28/2020 12:15:25 PM |
13515 |
You cant do that. You have to liquidate the |
bwolfy2002 |
02/28/2020 12:15:11 PM |
13514 |
4) TC all my GNBT and NGIO is already in ROTH so (1) |
bwolfy2002 |
02/28/2020 12:14:28 PM |
13513 |
Not really. I would be converting from taxable |
Creekrat |
02/28/2020 12:13:44 PM |
13512 |
3) you can knot contribute via direct transfer of (1) |
bwolfy2002 |
02/28/2020 12:13:22 PM |
13511 |
2) you can convert shares already in an IRA to |
bwolfy2002 |
02/28/2020 12:12:54 PM |
13510 |
Ok we have too many ideas flying around: 1) |
bwolfy2002 |
02/28/2020 12:11:58 PM |
13509 |
TC this is interesting. Do you think that means |
Creekrat |
02/28/2020 12:06:39 PM |
13508 |
Yes for IRA to Roth IRA. It is a conversion that |
tc2000chartreader |
02/28/2020 12:01:18 PM |
13507 |
If they allow it, do a direct transfer of |
djaparks |
02/28/2020 11:59:26 AM |
13506 |
I was hoping my $1.30 prediction was wrong. Guess |
OrlandoJohn |
02/28/2020 11:59:11 AM |
13505 |
I am unsure, but like tc said, this could work. |
djaparks |
02/28/2020 11:58:26 AM |
13504 |
So, TC, you can do this without actually selling |
OrlandoJohn |
02/28/2020 11:57:46 AM |
13503 |
Pokey, if you have GNBT/NGIO shares in an IRA, |
tc2000chartreader |
02/28/2020 11:54:55 AM |
13502 |
No reason why it should not. You already may have |
tc2000chartreader |
02/28/2020 11:52:41 AM |
13501 |
If I open a new Roth could I transfer the shares |
Pokey123 |
02/28/2020 11:47:36 AM |
13500 |
Creek, when you search for flights, google (2) |
OrlandoJohn |
02/28/2020 11:45:45 AM |
13499 |
And I am retired, so it will be "in the coming |
djaparks |
02/28/2020 11:42:11 AM |
13498 |
Now bwolf and dja, when you save tens of (2) |
tc2000chartreader |
02/28/2020 11:36:43 AM |
13497 |
I thought you said you don't believe you can do |
djaparks |
02/28/2020 11:31:40 AM |
13496 |
Really weird - when I went to google to search |
Creekrat |
02/28/2020 11:26:41 AM |
13495 |
DJ, that we are clear on, you can convert from (1) |
bwolfy2002 |
02/28/2020 11:24:22 AM |
13494 |
We're just seeing the ebb and flow that happens (2) |
Creekrat |
02/28/2020 11:17:37 AM |
13493 |
Hong Kong is having issues too now. I would be |
OrlandoJohn |
02/28/2020 11:17:35 AM |
13492 |
Certainly could be that low, OJ. Yesterday we had |
Buildit |
02/28/2020 11:17:23 AM |
13491 |
Yes there were return flights. Remember Shenzen |
Creekrat |
02/28/2020 11:15:11 AM |
13490 |
$1.30 is my guess. |
OrlandoJohn |
02/28/2020 11:12:19 AM |
13489 |
Thoughts on closing price today. Looks like it's |
hylander |
02/28/2020 11:10:44 AM |
13488 |
As I fill the out the forms for the conversion |
djaparks |
02/28/2020 11:08:35 AM |
13487 |
Really? And are there return flights? If there |
OrlandoJohn |
02/28/2020 11:08:29 AM |
13486 |
I just checked and there are plenty of flights |
Creekrat |
02/28/2020 11:05:23 AM |
13485 |
As to the last part, yes any conversion from an |
bwolfy2002 |
02/28/2020 11:04:09 AM |
13484 |
Agree. A rapid test kit that does not have to be |
Pokey123 |
02/28/2020 10:56:29 AM |
13483 |
I agree, bwolfy. I tried to transfer GNBT from a |
homerbedloe |
02/28/2020 10:46:24 AM |