GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | I am guessing joe already knew, so (1) | 10/17/2019 2:53:01 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Just FYI - I checked with Donohoe.. (2) | 10/17/2019 2:21:52 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | During the conference call, joe men (1) | 10/16/2019 10:49:55 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Hi DocJ Do you have patients with d | 10/16/2019 8:36:54 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | I was not planning on buying at the (3) | 10/16/2019 4:44:21 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Thanks doc! As always, I appreciate (1) | 10/15/2019 10:12:17 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | I bought more shares at $2 at the e (1) | 10/15/2019 9:41:57 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | I don’t think anyone is concerned (1) | 10/15/2019 7:37:16 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | I put in 10k at $2 at the end again (2) | 10/14/2019 4:03:40 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Just FYI - during the H.C. Wainwrig (1) | 10/14/2019 4:01:22 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | One of the ratios used to figure ou (1) | 10/13/2019 2:53:07 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | To get PPS up - a couple of ideas b | 10/13/2019 5:44:21 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Another thought I had is don’t yo (1) | 10/12/2019 11:02:00 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Sorry - I meant once those MSO part | 10/12/2019 10:29:42 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Hi doc, another you p | 10/12/2019 10:11:37 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Thanks doc! When you said Joe said | 10/12/2019 10:02:30 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Thank you so much! With MSO to 27 s | 10/12/2019 5:52:47 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Does anyone know the annual revenue | 10/12/2019 2:22:59 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | FYI - I put in 10k at $2 toward the (2) | 10/11/2019 4:04:16 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Wonder what this means? Plans under | 10/11/2019 12:23:46 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | I put in 10k at $2...but got filled (3) | 10/10/2019 4:06:39 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Hi DocJ, I know you are one of the | 10/09/2019 7:49:32 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | It does not show up as a holiday wh | 10/09/2019 7:23:51 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | FYI - I put in 15k buy order at $2, (2) | 10/09/2019 4:02:32 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Sorry to hear that!!! Is anyone els | 10/09/2019 3:19:07 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Just FYI- I plan to put a buy order (1) | 10/09/2019 1:39:06 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Joe said once 90 days at $2...let†(1) | 10/09/2019 11:48:07 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Btw - seems like the sellers are qu | 10/09/2019 11:08:49 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Thanks! What’s Todd’s last name | 10/09/2019 11:00:23 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | That was close again! I had to rush (1) | 10/08/2019 4:05:39 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | I put in 2700 at $2 this morning... | 10/08/2019 1:59:22 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | From 8/16 press release “ I am al (1) | 10/08/2019 5:02:53 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | That was really close at the end ag (2) | 10/07/2019 4:10:39 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Nasdaq | 10/07/2019 3:31:39 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Just FYI - I put in to buy 5k at $2 (2) | 10/07/2019 11:18:22 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Thanks gd!!! Just a little longer o | 10/06/2019 4:01:54 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | I did it once on fidelity...I put i | 10/06/2019 1:37:14 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Hi gd, what did you mean by someone | 10/06/2019 3:28:32 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Just FYI - I put in to buy 4K at $2 (1) | 10/05/2019 10:40:38 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | I just wanted to say you guys are a (3) | 10/04/2019 10:43:57 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | I got some funds...I am not going t (2) | 10/04/2019 10:30:13 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Hi DocJ, why do you think the PPS w | 10/03/2019 8:27:48 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | I know for uplisting, we need the a | 10/03/2019 11:44:18 AM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Maybe people who are selling are th (1) | 10/02/2019 9:00:46 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | That price came from our after hour (1) | 10/02/2019 8:39:46 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | All these companies believe in Gnbt (1) | 10/02/2019 5:27:30 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | You can call Schwab now and ask the (2) | 10/02/2019 4:08:32 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | Yes! Thank you for all you do! Hope (1) | 10/01/2019 11:00:42 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | No worries...remember nasdaq does n (1) | 10/01/2019 10:54:30 PM |
GNBTQ Generex Biotechnology Corp. | If TC and DocJ did not buy today an (1) | 10/01/2019 8:01:55 PM |