UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | I noticed the logo in the top left (7) | 02/08/2022 12:40:50 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Just noticed that, good find, websi (7) | 02/07/2022 10:51:26 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Good points (1) | 02/05/2022 7:04:03 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Look closer the dates are different (2) | 02/05/2022 7:03:38 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | VERY INTERESTING Something I notice (11) | 02/05/2022 6:40:55 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Lot going on guys, keep up.... DR D (10) | 02/04/2022 10:02:52 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Must watch for all investors, proce (5) | 02/04/2022 2:49:43 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | I think more changes maybe coming t (13) | 02/04/2022 2:26:10 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | I think I know who the second emplo (4) | 02/04/2022 2:41:36 AM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | From what I gather when I spoke to (6) | 02/03/2022 6:13:00 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Let me post all pictures of all cha (13) | 02/03/2022 6:08:50 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | WOW BENEFICIAL SHAREHOLDERS UPDATED (7) | 02/03/2022 6:01:09 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Good eye didnt catch that toxic len (5) | 02/03/2022 5:59:10 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | There was a change to our OTC profi (6) | 02/03/2022 5:49:29 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | No one said it was gonna be easy, n (6) | 02/03/2022 10:48:42 AM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | I think its time for a small lesson (16) | 02/02/2022 6:14:14 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | DD: So I check this interests page (10) | 02/01/2022 8:27:05 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | I think you and MLR are correct, I (2) | 02/01/2022 8:15:21 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | When your account gets verified tha (7) | 01/31/2022 3:00:45 PM |
Telehealth Stock Talk | ALSO if you look at past UNVC SEC d (3) | 01/31/2022 11:26:29 AM |
Telehealth Stock Talk | Nice try but some of your informati (14) | 01/31/2022 11:10:21 AM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Great find, did anyone notice any c | 01/31/2022 10:31:47 AM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Agree with MLR here, I thought they (5) | 01/30/2022 4:00:01 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | DD: If this all but doesnt confirm (12) | 01/27/2022 3:43:37 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | I am aware doc is most of the time | 01/27/2022 3:11:41 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | From doc himself about website.... | 01/27/2022 2:35:43 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Good points but I think doc also to | 01/27/2022 2:19:18 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Found the most recent OTCIQ applica (9) | 01/27/2022 11:33:26 AM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Remember everyone, SEC and OTC both (8) | 01/27/2022 2:36:09 AM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Additional Services Provided by the (4) | 01/26/2022 2:32:30 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | I have noticed something with Doc, (15) | 01/25/2022 3:32:48 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Speculating here but that comment g (11) | 01/25/2022 11:49:44 AM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Interesting comment on docs linkedi (12) | 01/25/2022 11:39:52 AM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | NEW TWEET AND LINKEDIN.... Linkedin (10) | 01/25/2022 11:38:26 AM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | So let me clear up a few things tha (12) | 01/21/2022 10:39:59 AM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | To be fair and realistic, based on (5) | 01/20/2022 3:41:40 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Some info on FORM 10.... I do DD on (9) | 01/20/2022 1:24:30 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | LRDS PRESS RELEASE.... https://www. (2) | 01/18/2022 6:53:45 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | If we are required to file a Q4 whi (3) | 01/18/2022 6:53:13 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Not sure, trying to confirm but I t (2) | 01/18/2022 6:03:48 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Did not see your post, thanks for s | 01/18/2022 4:59:22 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Also according to OTC Material Even (6) | 01/18/2022 3:58:38 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Im not sure if there was still conf (3) | 01/18/2022 3:56:30 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Didnt someone ask doc and he respon (4) | 01/17/2022 6:28:59 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Thanks so much so definitely happen (6) | 01/14/2022 8:24:22 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | I just saw this and noticed it, doe (1) | 01/14/2022 7:36:37 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Okay this is PURE SPECULATION but I (19) | 01/13/2022 3:15:39 PM |
UNVC Univec Conglomerate Inc | Appreciate you always mikey, thank (7) | 01/13/2022 1:51:58 PM |
Telehealth Stock Talk | No one said im on a high horse. You (10) | 01/12/2022 3:08:27 PM |
Telehealth Stock Talk | Thanks for sharing mhill, appreciat (7) | 01/12/2022 1:35:43 PM |