DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Quit fooling around chessmite this | 09/30/2013 3:00:03 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | This is so dang exciting, the uncer | 09/30/2013 1:36:44 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | LOL!! I did not see that coming. Wh | 09/30/2013 11:57:04 AM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Great thing about being ready, we a | 09/30/2013 10:48:13 AM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | LOL.....thats the spirit chessmite. | 09/30/2013 10:45:44 AM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Something is going on with DUTV.... | 09/30/2013 9:44:42 AM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | New week fresh possibilities.. Anyt | 09/30/2013 8:40:00 AM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | I plum forgot all about MichaelPenn | 09/29/2013 8:55:00 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | I have to be perfectly honest here. | 09/29/2013 8:39:54 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Easy for a basher to hide there sha | 09/29/2013 8:24:50 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | That would be nice if this is our w | 09/29/2013 8:18:05 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | IMHO , I think Monday around 9 am e | 09/29/2013 8:15:11 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | You my good man, should get the awa | 09/29/2013 8:01:57 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Brother I need help dhuday !! | 09/29/2013 7:46:42 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | LOL, the week just get's longer a | 09/29/2013 7:39:43 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Winnday | 09/29/2013 3:45:11 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Be great if news is out on Tuesday | 09/29/2013 3:04:06 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | That’s what I call a loyal share | 09/28/2013 7:55:49 AM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | LOL.......I to need a job. | 09/27/2013 11:18:04 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | I have not seen any real volume tha | 09/27/2013 7:51:28 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | I to feel let down have to be hones | 09/27/2013 5:50:35 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | okay I peaked......lol       | 09/27/2013 12:09:38 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Okay.. now it explains the conversa | 09/26/2013 9:43:20 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Thank;s PTM, hope you are doing wel | 09/26/2013 9:28:59 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | I missed something here. how or why | 09/26/2013 9:07:13 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Enjoy !! Good business leaders crea | 09/26/2013 8:23:16 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Very quite here great !!   I'm | 09/26/2013 8:20:01 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Sorry, Â Of the mark there. | 09/26/2013 5:37:55 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | So after reviewing my great day I w | 09/26/2013 4:57:39 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Got it ! Thanks . | 09/26/2013 9:28:28 AM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Take away. Go out side and enjoy th | 09/26/2013 9:25:43 AM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Not always rainbows in PARADISE rai | 09/26/2013 7:24:40 AM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Could be the start to a great Veggi | 09/25/2013 6:51:27 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | I agree, sure would have been nice | 09/25/2013 6:48:51 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Great explanation, made it easy to | 09/25/2013 6:43:23 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Ready too...........LOL party and i | 09/25/2013 12:23:31 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Same flag different color. TORQ...c | 09/25/2013 12:15:30 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | I understand figs,   chart.  G | 09/25/2013 12:11:00 AM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | 17 months ago, companies were strug | 09/24/2013 11:18:42 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Finally, l like BOb Dylan. ....old | 09/24/2013 4:19:28 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Okay, I have to throw this out ther | 09/24/2013 2:56:56 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | I do remember long ago, Garry state | 09/24/2013 2:38:29 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | If they have numbers...let here go. | 09/24/2013 1:30:10 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Choose big long nap! | 09/24/2013 1:22:59 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Something like that Slic. | 09/24/2013 1:22:10 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Investment for me........has been k | 09/24/2013 10:42:25 AM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | JUST FINISHED........ON FUMES NOW . | 09/24/2013 4:16:22 AM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | (with interest) above market rates | 09/23/2013 8:33:19 PM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Me too !!......Frazier . Foreman hi | 09/23/2013 11:19:50 AM |
DUTV Digital Uts Ventures | Frazier was a great teacher for Cla | 09/23/2013 10:33:53 AM |