Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Winnday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Soonday just great ...a 9 day work week NOW !!
This has to stay here, if corporate America got a hold of this information people like me are in real trouble. like the 1960 and 70’s we had high productivity in the work force and the CEO’s received all the credit. not the workers. rinse & repeat all over again.
Some group will have to build a new society curriculum for the people to cultivate a new mind set so they don’t see they are being robbed again. ( illuminati )
If that happens we can expect to see humans evolve into a new species' . 4 eyes two in front two in the back with 4 arms and 4 legs and no mouth so we just work work work, there's more. how do we eat. we don’t . will get all the nutrients from the sun.
But I'm starving ! go take a nap in the sun for 30 minutes hurry !! much to do only 8 days left in the week. that should do it. But I'm thirsty now. no drinking makes you p*e , cant work if your SPIELBERG WHERE ARE YOU.
New work cubical, every new species worker has a window for sunlight to come through. THAT’S GAME OVER.
New rule started right.....................lmao