ONCI On4 Communications | I recommend everyone grab what they (1) | 03/23/2018 10:01:54 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | That 60mm T-trade looks to me like (3) | 03/22/2018 4:56:00 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | I saw that post. And I believe it. | 03/22/2018 3:29:16 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | He negotiated 33 cents on the dolla | 03/22/2018 2:29:57 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Massive buying at .0022. | 03/22/2018 2:09:34 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | BMIC backed off after selling 15 mi (1) | 03/22/2018 1:43:43 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | TWEET: Just closed that trucking co | 03/22/2018 1:30:33 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | 162900 at 10:11 | 03/19/2018 10:14:03 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | MUST READ POST on the other board: (10) | 03/19/2018 10:04:55 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | I agree TP and I believe SB is wait | 03/19/2018 7:20:21 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | $ONCI The wait has been LONG but it (6) | 03/17/2018 8:17:03 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | That is why the stock price isn’t (5) | 03/16/2018 3:57:59 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Please keep your posts on-topic, an (2) | 03/16/2018 3:54:30 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Hey folks--am traveling today. Has | 03/16/2018 2:03:19 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | LOL berdboy is having seizures over (6) | 03/15/2018 4:31:23 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | https://backend.otcmarkets.com/otc (2) | 03/15/2018 3:54:48 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | It's easy to see how quickly this c (3) | 03/15/2018 3:38:53 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Just wait until after lunch. Just l (3) | 03/14/2018 12:27:09 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | It's coming tomorrow. 100% | 03/14/2018 11:45:35 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | $ONCI (2) | 03/14/2018 11:16:35 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | 8 million shares not showing on L2. | 03/14/2018 10:13:43 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Of course it's in my opinion. | 03/13/2018 12:07:11 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | It's under 25k. | 03/13/2018 11:45:52 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | The debt is a LOT lower than everyo | 03/13/2018 11:06:40 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Dilution is an opinion. SB states h | 03/13/2018 10:52:01 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Did exactly what you said, googled | 03/12/2018 1:16:50 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | There's a poster on Twitter that do | 03/12/2018 11:41:21 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | berdboy copied this post over on li | 03/12/2018 11:32:14 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Four news deals in one week. This b (1) | 03/12/2018 8:28:05 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | You guys really need to check out b | 03/10/2018 7:28:43 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Welcome and you are correct to assu (1) | 03/10/2018 8:30:38 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | 5 imbeciles over at the ONCIdiot bo (2) | 03/09/2018 4:00:57 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Best thing I've heard all day. Let' (1) | 03/09/2018 2:37:31 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | SB said today he is not diluting. I (2) | 03/08/2018 7:25:23 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Totally killing the run today. Endl | 03/08/2018 2:24:38 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | That was fun. Should see a little g (1) | 03/07/2018 4:04:13 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | And to think the reversal is just s (3) | 03/07/2018 3:11:19 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Now THAT is some excellent DD. Than (2) | 03/07/2018 7:14:41 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Everyone who follows ONCI knows thi (2) | 03/06/2018 2:39:39 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Dealio. | 03/06/2018 10:57:55 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Added 1mm at .0023 (2) | 03/06/2018 10:06:27 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Funds not clear yet...GRRRR | 03/05/2018 10:22:12 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | ONCI is his child, his blood sweat (1) | 03/02/2018 4:19:02 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | You guys see the links Berdboy post (1) | 03/02/2018 3:53:02 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Totally hysterical. Good for Steve, | 03/02/2018 3:34:54 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | You just know he's planning an onsl (2) | 03/02/2018 1:31:44 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | 30 million buy just went through... | 03/02/2018 10:42:09 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | I predict back over .01 by end of m (1) | 03/01/2018 9:31:00 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | 28 x 30???? | 03/01/2018 9:26:21 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | I'll be adding a bunch more for a q (1) | 03/01/2018 9:25:48 AM |