$ONCI The wait has been LONG but it will be worth
Post# of 40991
As you know I've had the pleasure of speaking with SB and he is extremely energetic and passionate about this business. He has invested a ton of his own money into this and is the largest shareholder. He wants this to succeed. And succeed it will.
The first step is eliminating the LAM debt, which he confirmed to me is almost done, Once the selling pressure subsides, this starts its rise.
Then comes FINRA, which the lawyers are working on to ensure we can make this move. The DE debt is minimal and lawyers are working on this as I write this. It's very possible that ONCI will not have to pay this down.
When we become Hexagon, SB's restricted 1.4 billion go into the treasury, leaving the OS at 2.8 billion (AS 4 billion).
When all of the above happens, and it will, we are back over .01 for good.
Then the PR train rolls into town. You saw the letter. The deals are piling up weekly. Now we can see PR's almost on a weekly basis listing all the contracts that were signed.
All those distributors and sales teams are pounding the pavement selling our DD units into the marketplace. And they are checking on the retail level. I've said this before, the cost of the unit is BAKED INTO THE COST OF THE LEASE OR PURCHASE OF THE CAR. For an extra 9-12 bucks a month, the parent has the peace of mind knowing their child will not be using their phone behind the wheel. Remember--distracted driving is now the #1 reason for car crashes in the USA.
This is going to catch on fast, especially when insurance companies start offering discounts for those who have this in their car.
And let's not forget all the other possibilities for the future. Right now, Bsafemobile and Fleetsafer are bringing home the bacon. But we have other apps, one in Bfoundmobile which I believe could be a huge opportunity. Doesn't every parent want to know where their child is going? How about the spouse who wants to know where their partner is? Rental companies, fleets all want to know where their company-owned vehicles are.
Once the DD apps bring in major profits, we can see a lot of that going to the mobile dentistry or MJ. It will take time, but SB is the one man who can make it happen.
I'm all in here...I've been here since .0006 and am not going anywhere. Trust the DD, not the post in all-caps loaded with false opinions and exclamation points. THIS IS A REAL COMPANY AT THE FOREFRONT OF AN EXPLOSIVE OPPORTUNITY. There are state laws across the country handing out hefty fines for distracted driving. And we have the best solution to fix it. Federal laws are not too far behind.
GLTAE (good luck to almost everyone)