ONCI On4 Communications | Let's get him outta here so we can | 09/11/2018 11:45:06 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | OR...the buyer at .0021 is flipping (1) | 09/11/2018 10:35:16 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Yup, at the moment no big blocks sh | 09/11/2018 10:24:27 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | That was fun...let's keep 'em comin (1) | 09/11/2018 10:13:55 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | More and more competition means the | 09/11/2018 9:16:57 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | So this is the best a MAJOR auto ma (1) | 09/11/2018 9:15:14 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Two blocks 8 & 9 million went throu (1) | 09/10/2018 4:02:47 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Yes, Katano is still holding. | 09/10/2018 11:41:01 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Yes he's pretty much alone in his t | 09/09/2018 8:18:37 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Biggest crybaby on IHUB, posting hi | 09/08/2018 10:26:49 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Mr 24 million just broke up his sel | 09/07/2018 12:33:03 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Clearly a tactic to accumulate more | 09/07/2018 11:45:47 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | I was just thinking that. Insider b | 09/07/2018 10:57:30 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Did the volume just jump 10 million | 09/07/2018 10:56:24 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | That was another 10 million buy. 5 | 09/07/2018 10:26:21 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | CFGN dumps 10 million. | 09/07/2018 9:40:52 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | We should see a lot of folks gettin (1) | 09/07/2018 9:10:48 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Another 9 million went through...sh | 09/06/2018 1:38:38 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Looks real thin at the moment--our | 09/06/2018 1:12:01 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Looks like someone's AON went throu | 09/06/2018 12:50:59 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | HOLY SMOKES 10 million just hit the (1) | 09/06/2018 12:47:04 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | We'll get at least one solid run ou | 09/05/2018 3:10:26 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Not showing on trades, TDA showing | 09/05/2018 2:51:15 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | SB told me it costs $1200 to send a | 09/05/2018 11:47:14 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Those 21s might go | 09/04/2018 3:54:08 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | The 20 milly e-trader seller really | 09/04/2018 3:38:13 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Clearly they are in cahoots with on | 09/04/2018 12:41:58 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Over 3 million have hit the ask at | 09/04/2018 11:42:17 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | These ask sitters should realize th | 08/31/2018 12:12:00 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Many thanks to MFN for his great DD (4) | 08/31/2018 11:39:43 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Wow, amazing. So happy to have you | 08/31/2018 7:59:39 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | IMO, I think ctheroad is going here | 08/30/2018 3:43:23 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Good eye. That's who's making our n | 08/29/2018 7:39:07 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | https://serving.photos.photobox.co (1) | 08/29/2018 12:12:10 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | FORD ;-) | 08/29/2018 12:09:57 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Carmax confirms bSafeMobile to be a (3) | 08/29/2018 11:23:40 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | I made the post again today and it | 08/28/2018 11:37:48 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | A lot of people are going to come b (2) | 08/26/2018 4:00:36 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Brilliant work sir. | 08/25/2018 5:27:48 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Phantom-ass in a nutshell: https:// (2) | 08/24/2018 4:49:31 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Well, we don't know that. This is w | 08/24/2018 11:53:46 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | The SHL will come after the Q3 repo | 08/24/2018 11:10:45 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Dilution is done. 100%. | 08/24/2018 10:56:38 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Those 7 million shares are a gift t | 08/22/2018 2:52:09 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | They mentioned setting up their own | 08/22/2018 11:36:19 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | He paid cash and they waived the 't (1) | 08/22/2018 10:21:36 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | VISIT TO AUTONATION--BSAFEMOBILE IN (27) | 08/22/2018 9:47:22 AM |
ONCI On4 Communications | I agree. Sept 15th MUST SHOW: Share (1) | 08/21/2018 4:14:33 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | Ask stacker at .0019 is going to re (2) | 08/21/2018 3:35:06 PM |
ONCI On4 Communications | More details coming tomorrow. Soon (3) | 08/21/2018 1:56:00 PM |