HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | So ready! | 01/14/2014 10:22:04 AM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Didn't even notice we got some slap | 01/14/2014 10:12:25 AM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Oh snap! 6s almost up! | 01/14/2014 10:01:07 AM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Looks like our 100 share man tried | 01/13/2014 4:03:36 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Nicely done guys, thank you! | 01/13/2014 4:00:49 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | 67 million on the bid at 4, I don't | 01/13/2014 3:43:00 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Totally agree. Â Par for the course | 01/13/2014 3:16:04 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Looks to me like DTC eligibility is | 01/09/2014 10:20:35 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Indeed! Many thanks! I don't think | 01/07/2014 12:56:56 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Wow just watched 30 million drop on | 01/06/2014 11:26:24 AM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | bid showing 253 million ask showing | 01/03/2014 3:30:00 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Certainly no selling of 3s going on | 01/03/2014 11:31:32 AM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Sorry KG, 73 and sunny over here. Â | 01/02/2014 3:36:30 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Sorry .0005 | 01/02/2014 2:57:51 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Stupid I-flub - Just starting to ge | 01/02/2014 2:57:21 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | MMs on the ask at .10 and .51 A guy | 12/31/2013 1:23:25 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Oh Crap! Â Yes please! | 12/30/2013 1:18:25 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Bought 5 million 3s almost a year a | 12/30/2013 12:35:36 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Who would want to sell now anyway? | 12/30/2013 11:46:47 AM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Good morning folks! Â Been watching | 12/30/2013 11:16:39 AM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Even more massive hit's on the 2s. | 12/26/2013 1:42:10 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Running around like crazy today but | 12/24/2013 3:02:20 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Must have missed it. | 12/20/2013 2:44:57 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | 25 million left at 2, not 25k as yo | 12/20/2013 1:57:56 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Hahaha, I heard someone say that fa | 12/20/2013 1:10:51 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | I see 105 million plus VFIN showing | 12/20/2013 12:22:54 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | 100 share seller is back | 12/20/2013 11:50:28 AM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | I don't know about schooling you Kg | 12/20/2013 11:43:19 AM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | You're exactly right Kgem, corrupti | 12/20/2013 11:08:00 AM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Must be pay day. Â Hehe, oh wait, i | 12/20/2013 10:50:11 AM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Very interesting. Â I just watched | 12/20/2013 10:48:45 AM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | 9,999,999 milly trade at .0001 good | 12/19/2013 12:37:25 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Well I read this earlier but was st | 12/18/2013 1:53:34 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | It was 18mil 2's until that 10milly | 12/12/2013 4:11:43 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Amazing day today! I'm not getting | 12/12/2013 4:08:16 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Indeed! | 12/12/2013 1:00:50 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | I'm sorry for your loss JB. Â We lo | 12/09/2013 5:53:11 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Great couple of PRs! I knew Northca | 12/06/2013 2:32:46 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | There has also been an expressed in | 12/05/2013 1:02:41 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Watched that happen too. Crazy! Â B | 11/11/2013 2:17:31 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Lunch hour over, 20 mil trade | 11/11/2013 1:20:06 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Seems a little odd to me to establi | 11/09/2013 3:38:41 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Same thing on Ameritrade | 11/07/2013 9:45:46 AM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Well I must say a measly $1000 doub | 10/24/2013 5:08:32 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Yes, you're right the Tigerlynk is | 10/24/2013 5:05:51 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | haha! at $20 I would have $200 mill | 10/24/2013 4:57:42 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Agreed. 2.00 is pretty far fetched, | 10/24/2013 4:55:31 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Thanks JB. Definitely looking forwa | 10/24/2013 4:31:39 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | Hope all is well folks.  My son w | 10/24/2013 3:56:38 PM |
HIMR Hollund Industrial Marine Inc. | 10 million traded! hmm. | 10/24/2013 3:55:05 PM |