PVSP Pervasip Corp. | People should be loading these chea | 08/17/2015 3:05:29 PM |
PVSP Pervasip Corp. | Looks like a very productive week a | 08/16/2015 3:02:14 PM |
PVSP Pervasip Corp. | MASSIVE "PVSP" NEWS OUT!! .0018X.00 | 07/02/2015 2:17:28 PM |
PVSP Pervasip Corp. | WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. -- July 2, 2015 | 07/02/2015 2:16:19 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | What does this Victor have to gain | 05/09/2015 2:30:40 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | Looks like Victors goose is cooked! | 05/08/2015 3:56:45 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | Well, You alone on this one.. I am | 04/25/2015 2:10:49 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | There is no possible way you could | 03/30/2015 4:37:11 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | Thanks, I cannot say it any clearer | 03/22/2015 2:52:59 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | Look badgering people into your way | 03/22/2015 11:46:29 AM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | We shall see how this all unfolds a | 03/21/2015 4:03:27 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | I have little worry as to your effe | 03/20/2015 2:58:53 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | It should go without saying and bas | 03/20/2015 1:15:50 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | Whats Hilarious is that you think I | 03/10/2015 7:08:47 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | No Vince, I am not Victor lol funny | 03/07/2015 2:36:49 AM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | Your bi-polar predictions might as | 03/05/2015 12:41:05 AM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | You got that right BigT!! The slope | 03/03/2015 7:47:24 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | Aaaannndd that's what you get when | 03/03/2015 4:14:32 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | Can someone provide a link to the n | 02/27/2015 9:38:28 AM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | Both! We are launching a new progra | 02/24/2015 10:25:16 AM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | Well Hell!! I should hit him up!! I | 02/20/2015 5:48:24 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | You bet your ass I'm skiing!!! LOL | 02/20/2015 5:44:36 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | All this talk about skiing and lavi | 02/20/2015 11:56:03 AM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | I lurk... and I Agree, I couldnt re | 06/09/2014 4:37:17 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | Emphasis on "HUGE"!! MPIX TEAM Shap | 04/28/2014 2:24:39 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | GREAT NEWS!!! This is a major Turni | 04/25/2014 11:25:44 AM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | I lurk as well... Management is cle | 04/11/2014 12:36:17 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | Cant wait Big T! MPIX has been my b | 12/06/2013 12:20:49 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | First time we have closed below .00 | 09/05/2013 4:14:20 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | MPIX NEWS!!! (MPIX) Engages America | 08/28/2013 3:15:02 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | Not sure why anyone would be thinki | 08/26/2013 8:19:10 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | You are so right! Ive held those .0 | 08/22/2013 2:30:29 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | We sure are BT! Me and a couple fri | 08/21/2013 5:37:48 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | Nice add!! I'm trying to get me a s | 08/20/2013 4:27:41 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | Another great day of consolidation! | 08/14/2013 5:23:34 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | As I remember it, Wayne was hired t | 08/12/2013 5:29:00 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | Thanks for the chart Big T!! With a | 08/12/2013 10:58:24 AM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | Jackpot!!! "CURRENT!!" Should be an | 08/09/2013 9:42:40 AM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | Fantastic Big T!!! I think GreenFev | 08/08/2013 1:18:32 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | You gotta love the professionalism | 08/08/2013 12:42:33 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | Your the man Big Tuna!! All of us w | 08/07/2013 10:43:43 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | Thanks for this awesome chart and T | 08/04/2013 8:52:23 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | HAHAH BIG T!! We Managed to Capture | 08/02/2013 4:24:29 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | !WOW! I cant wait for next week!! L | 08/02/2013 4:10:10 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | Is anyone else LOVING this action t | 08/02/2013 3:25:57 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | Wow that is some amazingly THIN L2 | 08/01/2013 12:47:45 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | So the T Trades are back ehhh?? Loo | 07/30/2013 6:26:22 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | Like a previous poster used to alwa | 07/26/2013 3:46:39 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | I added nicely yesterday and today | 07/17/2013 12:14:24 PM |
MPIX Mindpix Corporation | Thanks! Glad to be back! It seems t | 07/12/2013 11:21:57 AM |