TALK Talkspace Inc. | I bet the same pump crew will just | 02/25/2016 4:39:21 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Ya there is twitter talk that they | 02/25/2016 3:33:03 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | If we have to wait til mid April, I | 02/25/2016 3:05:59 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Ya that 15-12G not clear what secur | 02/25/2016 2:53:17 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Their iHub board is one big pumpath | 02/25/2016 2:48:23 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Did you see what happened to NTLK t | 02/25/2016 2:26:33 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Yup they scared them all away! Peop | 02/25/2016 1:05:22 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Personally I watch everyday because | 02/25/2016 1:00:51 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | You guys want to hear about torture | 02/25/2016 12:26:04 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | What I don't understand is why the (1) | 02/25/2016 12:09:46 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Personally I am using ETAK and PLKD | 02/25/2016 11:59:26 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Sorry if I came off as being harsh (2) | 02/25/2016 11:49:45 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Waiting sucks but in this case IMHO | 02/25/2016 10:54:12 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Hounding Roosty is not going to mak (3) | 02/25/2016 9:30:25 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Maybe someone can ask him when the | 02/25/2016 7:45:16 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | I have already come to peace with t | 02/24/2016 12:02:22 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | 2.6 milly @ a dime, that's $150K af | 02/23/2016 10:46:07 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Funny how the market always seems t (1) | 02/23/2016 10:25:27 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Hang in there most likely means wit (2) | 02/23/2016 6:43:24 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | The beach is my fried chicken :) An (1) | 02/23/2016 4:55:06 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Strong finish today. Nice to see th | 02/23/2016 4:22:38 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Seems like you are always buying? M | 02/23/2016 4:20:29 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Thanks for posting Ronin :) | 02/23/2016 1:35:11 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Totally sucks being shorted like th | 02/23/2016 1:32:41 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Ya it looks like they are trying to | 02/23/2016 12:35:53 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Wonder if employees are buying? Kin | 02/23/2016 12:02:10 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | IMO The 800 milly did seem a bit pl | 02/22/2016 11:51:30 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Revs in the 20's seems logical to m (2) | 02/22/2016 11:39:10 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | IDK, I don't even read iHub anymore | 02/22/2016 11:17:57 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Any thoughts on who is behind the s | 02/22/2016 6:44:43 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | As hard as it is to say, I think th (2) | 02/22/2016 6:37:40 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Thanks! Wish they would do somethin | 02/22/2016 6:26:41 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Thank you! I truly appreciate all y | 02/22/2016 2:32:22 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Hang in there! Wait time - within 7 (1) | 02/22/2016 11:11:21 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Today's chart - Nice way to end the (1) | 02/19/2016 5:27:46 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Yup twitter is a great resource to | 02/19/2016 5:15:06 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Done bro! | 02/19/2016 5:07:46 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Glad to have you here 007 :) Honest | 02/19/2016 5:04:50 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Thanks Bro for all your efforts :) | 02/19/2016 5:01:21 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Cool. Nice to see you here lloydm : | 02/19/2016 3:13:08 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Cheers to that :) | 02/19/2016 3:07:47 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | I don't give money to iHub. Here's | 02/19/2016 2:39:28 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Only 2.4 mil in vol :( Just a measl | 02/19/2016 2:36:16 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Do not see that on my L2. Was it br | 02/19/2016 2:32:32 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | WOW 6 milly on the bid :) | 02/19/2016 2:30:37 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Hey I want the pps to go up also, b | 02/19/2016 2:03:10 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Another nice TALK charting tool > h | 02/19/2016 1:48:57 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Handy twitter $TALK link > https:// | 02/19/2016 1:45:10 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | No need to get your feathers in a r (1) | 02/19/2016 1:28:07 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | TALK - Naked Short Interest http:// | 02/18/2016 7:49:55 PM |