TALK Talkspace Inc. | Yup TALK is the ticker to own. When | 02/18/2016 7:39:50 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | NAKED SHORT SELLING: HOW EXPOSED AR | 02/18/2016 4:07:45 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | And the 14 paint job :) | 02/18/2016 4:01:05 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Yup I agree with you! Personally it (1) | 02/18/2016 2:37:05 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | IMO this guy is part of their gang (1) | 02/18/2016 2:00:10 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | TALK is/will be better than PLKD & (3) | 02/18/2016 1:52:46 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Mid April guys! Mid April is our ti | 02/18/2016 1:45:11 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | And yet there are some longs still (1) | 02/18/2016 1:41:52 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | 100% Agree with you Vulcan! What I (1) | 02/18/2016 1:25:06 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | lloydm brought up ETAK as a compari (4) | 02/18/2016 11:34:21 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Ya obvious retail is not manipulati | 02/17/2016 1:58:03 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | IMO ETRF (etrade) is the only real | 02/17/2016 12:55:28 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | They brought it down, they will hav | 02/17/2016 12:40:35 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Yup I agree. Some appear to be so! | 02/17/2016 11:17:47 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Hang in there longs. PPS has been m (2) | 02/17/2016 11:17:07 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Personally I'm for them doing that | 02/12/2016 1:12:11 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Cheers and welcome :) | 02/12/2016 12:09:36 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | What a difference one day makes. Do | 02/12/2016 12:07:34 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Thank you lloydm :) investorshangou | 02/12/2016 11:59:15 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | OK Suisse I'm game :) | 02/12/2016 10:41:25 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Does this sound a bit similar to wh (3) | 02/12/2016 10:34:42 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Maybe now it is easy to say specula | 02/12/2016 10:30:28 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Does this mean shorty covered? I su (1) | 02/12/2016 10:23:35 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Updated Potential Target PPS Chart (1) | 02/12/2016 10:02:17 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | I'm with you ZAMMMMM. Wasn't our la | 02/11/2016 9:30:08 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | I know! That is what is so frustrat (2) | 02/11/2016 9:11:19 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Not sure if a PR would help right n | 02/11/2016 8:59:24 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | There is absolutely nothing wrong w | 02/11/2016 8:55:41 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Sad how they dig up a persons butt | 02/11/2016 8:49:34 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Yes there is a lot of intelligent c | 02/11/2016 8:46:31 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | No worries OneBrokeMama said in pos | 02/11/2016 8:38:09 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Maybe too many longs are spending t | 02/11/2016 6:33:39 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Umm? What if it is from an iHub adm | 02/11/2016 6:31:26 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | They did a good job getting those f | 02/11/2016 5:37:12 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Bashers still harassing the longs s | 02/11/2016 4:11:29 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Today is day 10 (trading days). If | 02/11/2016 1:03:40 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Yup I've been around the block enou | 02/11/2016 12:30:00 PM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | I wouldn't be surprised if they pus | 02/11/2016 11:49:25 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | On days like this sometimes it is j | 02/11/2016 11:45:54 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Hang in their my friend if you can. | 02/11/2016 11:41:55 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Suisse I respectfully disagree. Per | 02/11/2016 11:39:54 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | LMAO they are reading our board > i | 02/11/2016 11:37:07 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Sorry that happened but you have a | 02/11/2016 10:51:17 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Personally I think they covered and | 02/11/2016 10:47:56 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Besides them changing their board, | 02/11/2016 10:38:22 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | This will start moving soon. If the | 02/11/2016 10:35:55 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Just noticed that lloydm is not lon | 02/11/2016 10:24:13 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | I've seen it take a couple of days | 02/11/2016 10:19:38 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | I just read his posts and they are | 02/11/2016 10:15:31 AM |
TALK Talkspace Inc. | Good morning Suisse. We should see | 02/11/2016 10:13:34 AM |