PSGR Pershing Resources Company Inc. | $PSGR Given up. .... Of all of thei (1) | 07/25/2016 4:27:39 PM |
TXMC Tirex Corp [The] | $TXMC Today's Action : THREE MILLIo | 07/25/2016 12:21:55 PM |
TXMC Tirex Corp [The] | TXMC iHang Post 0114 $TXMC Why Tire | 07/21/2016 6:11:52 PM |
TXMC Tirex Corp [The] | $TXMC Recent volume indicates someo | 07/20/2016 2:54:55 PM |
TXMC Tirex Corp [The] | $TXMC Tirex scam that has SOLD ZERO | 07/19/2016 6:35:51 PM |
SONT Seen On Screen Tv I | $SONT Thanks for your recent posts! | 07/07/2016 12:07:45 PM |
TXMC Tirex Corp [The] | $TXMC 4100 WORTHLESS .. | 07/01/2016 4:24:19 PM |
TXMC Tirex Corp [The] | $TXMC H0LY Z1GFELD F0LL1ES - MAJ0R | 06/29/2016 1:37:08 PM |
PSGR Pershing Resources Company Inc. | $PSGR All good points well said. I | 06/27/2016 4:54:11 PM |
TXMC Tirex Corp [The] | $TXMC BANKRUPT NO FILINGS | 06/23/2016 10:58:58 AM |
KOAN Resonate Blends Inc. | Hi there Your post is articulate, w | 06/22/2016 9:25:48 PM |
KOAN Resonate Blends Inc. | $TXHD Thanks for your response. 201 | 06/22/2016 6:53:57 PM |
TXMC Tirex Corp [The] | $TXMC Recent TireD TireX Transactio | 06/22/2016 4:32:50 PM |
TXMC Tirex Corp [The] | $TXMC Recent TireX Transaction, jus | 06/22/2016 2:37:38 PM |
PSGR Pershing Resources Company Inc. | PSGR Don't have you on ignore. I ha | 06/21/2016 8:20:36 AM |
PSGR Pershing Resources Company Inc. | $PSGR You make a good point with su | 06/20/2016 11:31:55 AM |
PSGR Pershing Resources Company Inc. | $PSGR I do not have millions of sha | 06/20/2016 5:27:43 AM |
TXMC Tirex Corp [The] | $TXMC NO PATENT, NO PARTNER to buil | 06/17/2016 11:03:46 AM |
TXMC Tirex Corp [The] | $TXMC So, SammyLite, the Tirex Pate | 06/15/2016 4:15:18 PM |
TXMC Tirex Corp [The] | $TXMC SammyLite finds new Lite Tire | 06/15/2016 12:29:12 PM |
PSGR Pershing Resources Company Inc. | $PSGR Following y'day's MOMENTOUS a | 06/10/2016 9:54:47 AM |
PSGR Pershing Resources Company Inc. | $PSGR Today's IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMEN | 06/09/2016 4:08:56 PM |
DKSC Dakshidin Corporatio | $DKSC DAKSHiDIN -- Since there is n | 06/06/2016 12:18:59 PM |
TXMC Tirex Corp [The] | $TXMC PATENTS EXPIRED? Going out of | 06/01/2016 2:26:43 PM |
DKSC Dakshidin Corporatio | $DKSC Duck-shittin' Phone number FR | 06/01/2016 11:31:13 AM |
DKSC Dakshidin Corporatio | $DKSC PROOF DAKSHiDIN IS NO LONGER | 06/01/2016 10:59:10 AM |
DKSC Dakshidin Corporatio | $DKSC DAKSHiDIN now out of business | 06/01/2016 9:57:24 AM |
TXMC Tirex Corp [The] | $TXMC As soon as the patents expiry | 05/31/2016 2:35:39 PM |
TXMC Tirex Corp [The] | $TXMC The Tirex patent has expired, | 05/31/2016 10:23:32 AM |
DKSC Dakshidin Corporatio | $DKSC DAKSHiDIN is a spectacularly | 05/31/2016 10:13:47 AM |
KOAN Resonate Blends Inc. | $TXHD Just tripled my position - - | 05/31/2016 9:34:35 AM |
DKSC Dakshidin Corporatio | $DKSC Kenya with an unremarkable co | 05/31/2016 8:19:27 AM |
DKSC Dakshidin Corporatio | $DKSC Cell phone money transfers ar | 05/30/2016 3:42:21 PM |
PSGR Pershing Resources Company Inc. | $PSGR SEC COMPLAINT re:BLACKRIDGE C | 05/24/2016 1:34:55 AM |
PSGR Pershing Resources Company Inc. | $PSGR S.E.C. Regulation 8K https:// | 05/23/2016 6:05:44 AM |
DKSC Dakshidin Corporatio | $DKSC DAKSHiDIN What exactly has th | 05/21/2016 7:31:39 PM |
KMGH Kemiao Garment Holding Group | $AIVI Fill in the blanks , please : | 05/20/2016 4:25:57 PM |
PSGR Pershing Resources Company Inc. | $PSGR NOTE ..... (1) | 05/20/2016 2:42:23 PM |
PSGR Pershing Resources Company Inc. | $PSGR STILL NOT TRADING, on a daily | 05/20/2016 1:12:44 PM |
PSGR Pershing Resources Company Inc. | $PSGR It traded a bit - - just a li | 05/19/2016 2:32:24 PM |
PSGR Pershing Resources Company Inc. | $PSGR Faith , not works ? Or from t | 05/19/2016 12:17:56 PM |
PSGR Pershing Resources Company Inc. | $PSGR Over the last 20 years I have | 05/19/2016 8:10:35 AM |
PSGR Pershing Resources Company Inc. | $PSGR The O.T.C. penny stock market | 05/11/2016 7:27:23 AM |
PSGR Pershing Resources Company Inc. | $PSGR A F00L and his money: Symbol | 05/05/2016 5:52:11 PM |
PSGR Pershing Resources Company Inc. | &PSGR The stock has tanked and does | 05/03/2016 4:02:25 PM |
PSGR Pershing Resources Company Inc. | #PSGR | 05/03/2016 3:48:09 PM |
PSGR Pershing Resources Company Inc. | %PSGR Lying Pershing Resources Lies | 05/03/2016 1:58:11 PM |
PSGR Pershing Resources Company Inc. | $PSGR LIES OF OMISSION In TWENTY LL | 04/26/2016 11:50:35 AM |
PSGR Pershing Resources Company Inc. | $PSGR Beware of Liars telling Lies | 04/26/2016 10:00:49 AM |
PSGR Pershing Resources Company Inc. | $PSGR Well then - - you said it bet | 04/25/2016 3:28:14 PM |