AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Brick, thanks for the update! Wonde | 10/17/2014 12:11:38 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Wow! Nice page to be on for AMBS! C | 10/16/2014 6:10:03 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | good enough! | 10/16/2014 11:56:06 AM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | JP we just moved your update to the | 10/16/2014 11:01:51 AM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Gerald and AMBS boards making strat | 10/16/2014 10:20:53 AM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Warp, thanks for that exegetical in | 10/16/2014 12:39:20 AM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Right on target Warp, agree complet | 10/15/2014 4:14:37 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Interesting to see that bid of 900k | 10/14/2014 11:52:10 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | You can fool everybody some of the | 10/14/2014 12:08:23 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | JP, the current chaos in the mkt is | 10/13/2014 4:44:59 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Rough day in the markets to put it | 10/13/2014 4:14:03 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Let's not beat a dead horse. Gerald | 10/13/2014 8:48:23 AM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | The ASM will serve as the launch pa | 10/12/2014 5:22:54 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Tanis, well said my friend! Have a | 10/10/2014 5:00:47 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Lympro is going to garner more atte | 10/10/2014 4:54:00 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | welcome aboard med/cyclist! We will | 10/10/2014 4:34:48 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Actual trading is very low, and may | 10/10/2014 10:58:49 AM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Amazing how iflub has disintegrated | 10/10/2014 8:26:48 AM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Good work JP! Amazing catalysts com | 10/10/2014 8:20:51 AM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | BP is going to be all over LYMPRO i | 10/09/2014 11:49:51 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | picked up an additional 100k+ this | 10/09/2014 4:11:09 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | going to pick up another 100k this | 10/09/2014 1:23:21 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Gerald delivers as promised Lympro | 10/09/2014 8:57:22 AM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Brick You are always welcome! | 10/08/2014 3:20:45 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Brick When I tweeted Gerald I speci | 10/08/2014 3:16:15 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | BrickbyBrick When I tweeted the que | 10/08/2014 3:07:34 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Gerald said "New Data" re. LYMPRO t | 10/08/2014 2:54:10 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | JP we are with you! Don't take the | 10/07/2014 2:17:35 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | It is three IND's, not two! "This i | 10/07/2014 8:39:04 AM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Manipulators only sellers down here | 10/03/2014 9:40:30 AM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | I tweeted to Gerald this afternoon | 10/02/2014 11:06:58 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Warp, as usual dead on! Your contri | 10/02/2014 8:37:53 AM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | volume 1.4 MLL. Very few selling bu | 09/30/2014 2:18:37 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Dr. Urano sure puts the spotlight | 09/30/2014 12:36:57 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Gerald's credibility cannot afford | 09/29/2014 10:23:27 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Manipulators treading softly here! | 09/26/2014 10:52:48 AM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Shareholders approval rating on ASM | 09/25/2014 12:27:39 AM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Nice find Zoom! MANF's time is comi | 09/24/2014 1:56:44 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Thanks to Barcode27, Trojan09, shak | 09/23/2014 10:08:26 AM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Barcode 27 Thank you for keeping us | 09/22/2014 7:15:06 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Nice find Tanis! | 09/19/2014 10:56:33 AM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Gerald has earned my respect and su | 09/19/2014 9:46:15 AM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | I agree Risk. Mistakes have been ma | 09/18/2014 2:19:33 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Risk, I didn't say that you had eit | 09/18/2014 1:53:21 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Lies and Disinformation abound on t | 09/18/2014 1:25:12 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Thanks Tanis! | 09/18/2014 12:54:35 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Nice job GoBears! point well taken! | 09/18/2014 9:04:55 AM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Manipulators were willing to sacrif | 09/17/2014 4:06:29 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | Nite just lost over 1,000,000 @ .08 | 09/17/2014 3:55:53 PM |
AMBS Amarantus Bioscience Holdings | that's close to 500k @ .085. Nite t | 09/17/2014 3:53:42 PM |