The Bridge | puTzz click the link they play both | 01/05/2023 9:37:28 PM |
The Bridge | No wonder You puTzz Dubs make no mo | 01/05/2023 9:28:48 PM |
The Bridge | Nobody is PMing me wanting to give | 01/05/2023 8:41:54 PM |
The Bridge | L O L No you have it all wrong agai (1) | 01/05/2023 8:16:18 PM |
The Bridge | G nuts how much do you make ? Kind | 01/05/2023 6:46:24 PM |
The Bridge | Biden Says U.S. Must Lead New World | 01/05/2023 2:17:19 PM |
The Bridge | President Biden Says United States | 01/05/2023 2:11:51 PM |
The Bridge | Just because you can post another p | 01/05/2023 2:04:25 PM |
The Bridge | Republican Party is working with th | 01/05/2023 12:39:24 PM |
The Bridge | Son you will be making less then G | 01/05/2023 10:22:29 AM |
The Bridge | look at the spike in unemployment | 01/05/2023 7:55:44 AM |
The Bridge | puTzz ask you boss for Moe money so (1) | 01/04/2023 9:06:33 PM |
The Bridge | puTzz WTF can't you do any better t | 01/04/2023 8:57:46 PM |
The Bridge | The Bureau of Labor Statistics repo | 01/04/2023 8:51:21 PM |
The Bridge | Job Openings and Labor Turnover Sum | 01/04/2023 2:58:22 PM |
The Bridge | STRUGGLING TO PAY YOUR RENT? Gain f | 01/04/2023 8:45:53 AM |
The Bridge | Why don't YOU call out the posters | 01/04/2023 7:52:31 AM |
The Bridge | can’t figure out that the 100% ma | 01/04/2023 7:37:16 AM |
The Bridge | One of these days you're going to f | 01/04/2023 7:18:07 AM |
BREAKOUTS..RUNNERS AND HOT PENNIES | Adam Schiff Attempts Censorship by | 01/04/2023 7:11:54 AM |
The Bridge | Stuck in the Middle with You - Stea | 01/03/2023 9:27:51 PM |
The Bridge | can’t figure out that the 100% ma | 01/03/2023 9:12:55 PM |
The Bridge | Still dose not change the Fact peop | 01/03/2023 8:39:21 PM |
The Bridge | You still did not answer the questi | 01/03/2023 8:30:47 PM |
The Bridge | Fact is the minimum wage jobs are n (1) | 01/03/2023 7:50:56 PM |
The Bridge | . I don’t know what point your ar | 01/03/2023 7:46:56 PM |
The Bridge | So G nuts the way you talk you have | 01/03/2023 7:18:53 PM |
The Bridge | FAIR Analysis: 5.5 Million Illegal | 01/03/2023 10:55:28 AM |
The Bridge | Like I said puTzz people See ! ! == | 01/03/2023 10:17:47 AM |
The Bridge | Migrant border crossings in fiscal | 01/03/2023 10:15:36 AM |
The Bridge | Dub's Biden >< Fetterman ? ? | 01/03/2023 10:13:07 AM |
The Bridge | puTzz people catching on boy. | 01/02/2023 8:56:29 PM |
The Bridge | Totally Right | 01/02/2023 8:52:49 PM |
The Bridge | It is hard to listen to people afte (1) | 01/02/2023 3:32:20 PM |
The Bridge | No more injections it is enema vax | 01/02/2023 3:24:28 PM |
The Bridge | History of Southern Rock https://yo (1) | 01/01/2023 4:07:04 PM |
The Bridge | Goosenuts did you post this on Yout | 01/01/2023 3:56:58 PM |
The Bridge | Banks freeze millions in convoy fun | 01/01/2023 3:20:04 PM |
The Bridge | White House Releases First-Ever Com (1) | 01/01/2023 12:19:40 PM |
The Bridge | Xi Jinping has to be proud all we n | 12/31/2022 5:10:40 PM |
The Bridge | More Long Winded Paid Poster Junk S (1) | 12/30/2022 11:55:43 PM |
The Bridge | To FUNNY Knee Slap Ha Ha Ha LO L (1) | 12/30/2022 11:48:17 PM |
The Bridge | Right On | 12/30/2022 11:36:42 PM |
The Bridge | Another Long Winded junk post by a | 12/30/2022 11:35:50 PM |
The Bridge | Moron now you posted long winded ch (1) | 12/30/2022 11:29:52 PM |
The Bridge | You can't back up your post L O L (1) | 12/30/2022 11:25:24 PM |
The Bridge | Berlin NOVEMBER 17 2022 Germany ha | 12/30/2022 11:22:31 PM |
The Bridge | I disagree. Minimum wage did nothin (1) | 12/30/2022 10:58:11 PM |
The Bridge | I have to agree they are payed post | 12/30/2022 8:30:11 PM |
The Bridge | Germany is getting no oil or gas fr | 12/30/2022 8:10:57 PM |