$HHSE--HannoverHouse.com website UPDATED: https
Post# of 94206
HHSE Stock Uplist Should ROCKET Demand
Hannover House, Inc. has been traded on the OTC Markets PINKSHEETS for over 10-years. But the company is finally taking the steps to UPLIST the stock to the OTC QB exchange... a move that management feels is a critical step to attract new investors and to improve the liquidity of the stock shares. With fully audited reporting under QB, the HHSE stock will be better positioned for future growth . The HHSE stock is presently trading at an all-time low price - making NOW the best time to achieve the highest R.O.I. multiplier for investors.
Major New Productions Enhance Profitability
Building upon the extensive Production & Distribution experience of our Officers and Advisors - HANNOVER HOUSE has embarked on an exciting new business direction: to develop, finance and produce "MAJOR STUDIO LEVEL" feature films - with top commercial stars and worldwide box office appeal. Four major films are now in production or pre-production, heralding a major jump in HHSE venues for 2025 and 2026..
MYFLIX Brings a NEW angle to V.O.D.(Video on Demand)
HHSE's proprietary entertainment streaming service - MYFLIX - has been in development for almost ten years, but is finally ready for its consumer debut. Featuring over 15,000 titles from more than forty supplier studio partners, MYFLIX represents the broadest range of specialty and independent entertainment available through V.O.D. platforms in the USA Market. Yes, MYFLIX could be "the tail that wags the dog" in terms of it's $100-MM plus revenue potential for HHSE.