Post# of 94206
Monday, November 11, 2024
Greetings HHSE Friends & Followers - Success breeds success... and we have had plenty of success with the prior book releases from author BARR McCLELLAN.
His 2003 book from Hannover House was "BLOOD MONEY & POWER: How L.B.J. Killed J.F.K." - which shot to # 1 on Amazon.com (Non-Fiction) and # 11 for the New York Times best sellers.
In 2009, we released "MADE IN THE U.S.A." - Barr's prescient theory that foreign import tariffs could spark a return of run-away manufacturing jobs, and have a profound and positive impact to the USA economy (an economic theory recently embraced by President-elect Trump).
In 2014, his follow-up book, "THE VERDICT" was released to ebooks and audio (but not to hard-cover or print editions).
NOW - watch for news of Barr McClellan's biggest and most ambitious book yet: "AMERICAN MANIFESTO." Details of what this book is about are under strict QUARANTINE... but suffice it to say that this is a HUGE deal for Hannover House and we are honored to have earned the trust and loyalty of author Barr McClellan.