The thing that is baffling is how did Amarex let this get to arbitration and claim they are still owed money? I guess they feel they can just do crap work and submit grossly incomplete bla if they don’t get what they feel they should get paid? I have to think there is a very detailed contract wit all kinds of agreements about payment and quality of work. Amarex had to know years ago that they were not doing what they agreed under contract and yet they felt they should continue to get paid and still not get the bla done? What were they thinking? The only defense we have seen is the Nader email ordering them to submit the bla, but this only shows how pissed off nader was at them.
This is Amarex’s business, they screw things up this bad they will never get any new business. How can they be this dumb? The could have gone to Nader and said this is beyond there capability and help find a new CRO that can handle it, but they did no such thing.