$RIBT Post I just put up elsewhere>>>> tai, I
Post# of 8603
tai, I hope they get a deal in India. RIBT had an organic rice ban deal with Urmatt from 2010 until last year, and it might still be alive as far as I know.>>>
Urmatt is controlled my Narula, a huge India conglomerate, approved by their government. Narula is private, so little news. They are into healthcare>>>
Many other things and Food>>>
Bradley brought Narula up at an earlier CC in 2021. He said as best as I can recall, "We are hoping to make several rice bran products with them". It was like not a done deal and it could be dead, or stalled off because of the Ukraine stuff.
tai, RIBT would be much better off with Narula than Impossible. Impossible just got a new CEO and maybe struggling like BYND. Either way, RIBT could sell to Impossible in China through Narula possibly, plus make other products food and neutraceuticals with Narula. India is a rice based country. It would be easier to sell rice based anything there than here.